The Concession.


The works described in this paper were carried out under a guaranteed concession granted by His Excellency, General Bernardo Reyes, Governor of the State of Nuevo LeÓn, to Messrs. James D. Stocker and William Walker, of Scranton, Pa. The concession is dated October 19th, 1904, and is for 99 years from that date; the works for a complete water and drainage system were to be finished in 3 years from the time of their commencement. Before the works were designed and begun, the concession was acquired by Mr. William Mackenzie, of the firm of Mackenzie, Mann and Company, Limited, of Toronto, Ont., Canada, who, on May 4th, 1906, organized the Monterrey Water-Works and Sewerage Company, Limited (CompaÑÍa de Servicio de Agua y Drenaje de Monterrey, S. A.), under the laws of the Dominion of Canada, of which company he is President. Mr. Mackenzie is also President of the Monterrey Railway, Light, and Power Company, Limited, which was constructing the street railways of Monterrey concurrently with the water-works. Under the provisions of the concession, the Government appointed a Financial Interventor, who had authority to examine and check the company's expenditures, and also a Technical Inspector to examine and report on the construction. The duties of these officials also apply to the operation of the system when the construction is finished. The Government has the right, after the system has been operated 40 years, to purchase the entire property, subject to 6 months' notice, for a sum equal to 162/3 times the average annual net proceeds during the 3 preceding years. This right may be exercised at the end of 40 years, or at the end of any 10-year period thereafter, up to 99 years from the commencement of operations.


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