Estanzuela Supply.

Fig. 8. Fig. 8.—Location Plan of Estanzuela Dam.

Intake Works.—The intake (Fig. 8) is about 1 km. below the lowest spring and at a point where the maximum flow of the stream was observed. The works consist of a small monolithic concrete dam, placed obliquely across the stream at an angle selected for the purpose of obtaining a foundation running parallel to the direction of the strata, which at this point were lying almost vertically across the bed of the stream. Above these strata the stream bed was formed chiefly of large cemented limestone blocks and smaller conglomerate. No storage being possible in this valley, which has a very precipitous fall, the height of the dam was fixed merely to obtain a small settling basin for sand and dÉbris brought down in time of flood. The dam foundation was excavated to bed-rock, from which the upper disintegrated portions were carefully removed; the rock was then stepped, and dovetailed recesses were left for properly bonding the concrete.

The dam is carried well into the banks. Its extreme length is 52 m., its maximum height 4.50 m., and its greatest thickness 2 m. The up-stream face has a batter of 1 in 12, and the down-stream face, 1 in 8. The top of the wall is 1 m. thick. For the discharge of flood-water there is a weir 10 m. long, and it was calculated that with a depth of 1 m. it would discharge about 400 times the ordinary flow, or about 23,000 liters per sec., but, in addition, the whole length of the dam (excluding that occupied by the gate-house) was arranged for the discharge of abnormal floods, one of which, on August 27th, reached the enormous quantity of 82,070 liters (2,900 cu. ft.) per sec., or 825 cu. ft. per sec. per sq. mile of drainage area, a remarkable run-off from so small an area as 910 hectares. The concrete forming the dam is a 1:3:5 mixture. The overflow sill is 692 m. above sea level. When the dam was completed it was filled to the overflow level, in order to test the water-tightness of the basin, which, when cleared, was found to be slightly fissured on the north side. The leakage was sufficient to cause a serious loss during periods of drought, and it was then decided to line the basin with concrete, so that the stream would enter it without being under a head greater than its own depth. The length of the basin, measured along the center line of the original stream surface, is 85 m., and its area is 1,100 sq. m. At its upper end it is merely a lined channel, 5 m. wide at the entrance. The floor of the basin has a fall of 4 m. The lining was formed in two thicknesses totaling 30.5 cm. (12 in.) of 1:21/2:31/2 concrete, laid in panels approximately 3 m. square, the upper panels breaking joint with those immediately below; in this way a very satisfactory and water-tight lining was obtained. A parapet wall, 45.7 cm. high, surrounds the basin. For scouring out the basin a 30.5-cm. (12-in.) cast-iron pipe was taken through the dam at the lowest point, this pipe being provided with a gate-valve encased in concrete on the down-stream face.

The gate-house was built in connection with the dam at the north end of the overflow weir, its inner dimensions being 4.34 by 2.80 m. The substructure, to the level of the dam, is of concrete founded on the solid rock, and the superstructure is of brick rendered with cement plaster. The roof is of framed timber with red French tiles.

The intake pipe is of cast iron. 40.6 cm. (16 in.) in internal diameter, fitted outside with a movable copper screen which is further protected by a wrought-iron hinged screen to prevent damage from stones, floating timber, etc., during times of flood. Inside the gate-house the outlet pipe is provided with a 40.6-cm. (16-in.) sluice-valve, operated from the floor level by a vertical head-stock with worm-gearing. The gate-house has a scour-out pipe (also operated by a head-stock) and duplicate copper screens fitted to iron frames. From this house the water is conveyed to the upper portion of the conduit, which is a 45.7-cm. (18-in.) cast-iron pipe.

Of the total area of land, 885 hectares (2,187 acres), owned by the company, 392 hectares (970 acres) have been fenced in, to prevent any contamination of the springs. This fence is formed of five lines of barbed wire protected with stout hog netting at the bottom, in order to prevent more particularly the entrance of goats, many thousands of which pasture in the adjoining mountains.

On the high ground immediately below the intake, a 3-roomed stone house has been constructed for the inspector in charge of the intake works, who also keeps in daily touch with the general office and records the condition of the stream, particulars of rainfall, etc.

Aqueduct.—The total length of the aqueduct, from the intake dam to the South Reservoir, is 18,700 m., made up as shown in Table 4.

TABLE 4.—Estanzuela Aqueduct.
Description. Length, in meters
Cast-iron pipes, 45.7 cm. (18 in.) in diameter, along the stream bed of the Estanzuela River 110
Concrete tubes, 55.9 cm. (22 in.) in diameter, to Mederos (including 281 m. of tunnel) 4,473.81
Cast-iron siphons, 45.7 cm. (18 in.) in diameter: Calabozos 239m
South Virgen 124 "
North Virgen 177 "
Mederos 426 "
—— 966
Concrete tubes, 63.5 cm. (25 in.) in diameter, Mederos to South Reservoir. 12,039.19
Cast-iron siphons, 50.8 cm. (20 in.) in diameter:
Necaxa 315 m.
San Augustin 796 "
—— 1,111
Total 18,700

The gradient of the concrete pipes is 0.43% from Estanzuela to Mederos, and 0.53% from Mederos to the South Reservoir. The calculated discharging capacity of the conduit when running full is 364 liters (13 cu. ft.) per sec. for the upper, and 465 liters (16.4 cu. ft.) per sec. for the lower section. For these pipes, the coefficient, n, in Kutter's formula, was taken at 0.013. At present the line has been limited by overflows to discharge three-quarters full.

The increase in the size of the pipes from Mederos is for the purpose of receiving the waters of the Mederos River and other springs in the San Pablo and Aqua Verde catchment areas, as shown on Plate II.

The invert of the concrete conduit where it leaves the Estanzuela River is 684.25 m. above datum, and at the valve-house of the South Reservoir it is 589.00 m.

The concrete pipes were manufactured and laid under contract with Mr. Arthur S. Bent, of Los Angeles, Cal., the Company providing all materials, labor, etc. The contractor was paid 10 cents per lin. ft. of pipe manufactured and 10 cents per lin. ft. laid. He was also responsible for the satisfactory completion of the work.

Fig. 9. Fig. 9.—Estanzuela Pipe Line Steel Forms For The Manufacture Of Concrete Pipe.

Fig. 9 shows the details of the joint recommended by Mr. Schuyler and adopted for these pipes. The 63.5-cm. (25-in.) pipes were 61 cm. long and 76 mm. (3 in.) thick. The 55.9-cm. (22-in.) pipes were of the same length, but 70 mm. (23/4 in.) thick. For the purpose of strengthening these pipes while hauling them over very rough roads they were reinforced with four rings of No. 6 galvanized-iron wire.

Manufacture of Pipes.—The pipes were manufactured under the Supervision of Mr. H. Stanley Bent, at a pipe yard established below the crushing plant, from which the crushed rock and sand were delivered by gravity in bogies run on narrow-gauge rails. The area of the pipe yard was approximately 11/4 hectares, and it was laid out with parallel lines of 76-mm. (3-in.) galvanized-iron piping with hose couplings for sprinkling purposes. After trials with aggregates of various sizes, the concrete for the pipes was proportioned by volume as follows:

Crushed rock broken to pass through a 19-mm. screen 0.136 cu. m.
Manufactured sand (run of rolls) 0.119 " "
Portland cement 0.090 " "
Total 0.345 cu. m.
= (12.2 cu. ft.)
Fig. 2. Plate III, Fig. 2.—Steel Forms for Moulding Concrete Tubes, Estanzuela Aqueduct.

The above quantity manufactured two 63.5-cm. pipes; a 55.9-cm. pipe required 0.1415 cu. m. (5 cu. ft.) of the material, in the same proportions. Fig. 9 shows the forms for these pipes, and Fig. 2, Plate III, illustrates the process of moulding. The forms consist of cast-iron bottom rings, to the proper section of the joint, and inner and outer steel forms of 3-mm. plate, provided with inner and outer locking arrangements. The concrete was poured through a cast-iron hopper which fitted to the top of the outer form.

The concrete, which was mixed very dry, in a 1/2-cu. yd. batch, "Smith" mixer, was thoroughly tamped with a 22-lb. tamper, and worked until it was of a stiff jelly-like consistency, the wire rings being added as the concrete was placed. The best results were obtained with the minimum quantity of water. The upper joint was moulded with a heavy cast-iron ring. The jacket and core forms were loosened immediately, and placed over other rings, a sufficient number of bottom rings being used for a day's work. For the pipes required for curves, special forms were used to give the necessary bevel to the joint. After 24 hours the finished pipes were lifted from the bottom ring with a special lifter, and ranged in position for coating internally with a Portland cement grout to which a little freshly slaked lime was added. The pipes were all numbered, and were kept moist for 10 days by constant sprinkling. They were not hauled to the work until 28 days after they were moulded, although this rule was sometimes broken, to the detriment of the pipes. More than 32,000 pipes were manufactured, but some were used for purposes other than the Estanzuela Aqueduct.

Cost of Pipes.—The contractor brought with him experienced concrete pipe makers from California, and these were afterward assisted by Mexican labor. In a day two tampers could manufacture from 45 to 50 pipes of the larger (63.5-cm,), and from 55 to 60 of the smaller (55.9-cm.) size.

The cost varied from 2.75 to 3.25 pesos per pipe for the smaller, and from 3.50 to 4.00 pesos for the larger size.

The approximate cost of manufacturing is as follows: Taking, as a fair example, one week's work during March, 1908, the wages paid to the 74 men comprising the total pay-roll (though part of this labor was intermittent) amounted to 981 pesos. This includes a general foreman at 10 pesos per day, four American tampers at 7.50 pesos, and Mexican labor varying from 4 to 1 peso, and all labor necessary to handle and finish the pipes, including coating the interiors. During this week there were made 1,126 of the 63.5-cm. and 1,095 of the 55.9-cm. size. The pay-roll includes 520 pesos for the larger pipes (46 cents each) and 461 pesos for the smaller pipe (42 cents each). Table 5 shows the quantities and cost of the materials used in the manufacture of these pipes.

TABLE 5.—Cost of Concrete Pipe.
For 1,126 pipes 63.5 cm. in diameter. For 1,095 pipes 55.9 cm. in diameter.
Quantities. Cost. Quantities. Cost.
Portland cement, at 8.00 pesos per bbl., delivered at pipe-making yard. 401 bbl. 3,208.00 pesos. 303 bbl. 2,424.00 pesos.
Sand, at 2.65 pesos per cu.m. 85 cu.m. 225.25 " 68 cu.m. 180.20 "
Crushed rock, 19-mm. (3/4-in.), at 2.65 pesos per cu.m. 62 cu.m. 164.30 " 50 cu.m. 132.15 "
No. 6 galvanized-wire hoops. 4 rings to each pipe. 4,504 203.00 " 4,380 183.00 "
Totals. ... 3,800.55 pesos. ... 2,919.45 pesos.
Cost per pipe. ... 3.37 pesos. ... 2.66 pesos.

From Table 5 it is seen that the cost of the 63.5-cm. pipes was 3.37 pesos for material plus 0.46 peso for labor = 3.83 pesos per pipe, or 6.26 pesos per lin. m. (1.91 pesos per lin. ft.).

The cost of the 55.9-cm. pipes amounted to 2.66 pesos for material plus 0.42 peso for labor = 3.08 pesos per pipe, or 5.05 pesos per lin. m. (1.54 pesos per lin. ft.).

The cost of cement included hauling from the bodega to the yard, a distance of about 5 km. At a later date, after the Company had commenced using the "Hidalgo" cement, some additional 55.9-cm. pipes were manufactured, so as to have them on hand as a reserve in case of emergency. In this work only Mexican labor was used, as the previous gang had been dispersed, but the tampers had previous experience. Taking the cost of 418 pipes made during one period of 9 days, the detailed cost was as given in Table 6.

TABLE 6.—Cost of 55.9-Cm. Concrete Pipes.
Labor For 9 Days.
Tampers, 2 at 4 pesos. 72.00 Pesos.
Cement mixers (hand-mixing) and helpers, 6 at 1 peso. 54.00 "
Water boy. 4.50 "
Proportion of time of crusher foreman, one-third of 6 pesos, 2 pesos. 18.00 "
Making 1,672 wire hoops, at 5 pesos per thousand. 8.36 "
Man coating pipe, at 1 peso per day. 5.00 "
Cost of labor making 418 pipes. 161.86 Pesos.
Cost of labor per pipe. 0.38 Peso.
Cement, 1181/2 bbl., at 6.40 pesos per bbl., at pipe-making yard. 758.40 Pesos.
Sand, 24.6 cu.m., at 2.50 pesos per cu.m. 61.50 "
Rock, 21.6 cu.m., at 2.00 pesos per cu.m. 43.20 "
No. 6 wire, 3,362 lin. m. 55.56 "
Lime. 1.50 "
Cost of material for 418 pipes. 920.16 Pesos.
Cost of material per pipe. 2.20 "
Add cost of labor. 0.38 "
Total cost per pipe for labor and material. 2.58 Pesos.
Equivalent to 4.23 pesos per lin. m., or 1.29 pesos per lin. ft.

Excavation for Pipe Line and Siphons.—The excavation for the pipe line and for bridge works, etc., was let by contract to Messrs. Scott and Lee, of Monterrey, under three classifications:

(1) "All material which in the judgment of the Engineer can be economically loosened with picks and handled with shovels."

(2) "Indurated earth or gravel, shale or rock which can be loosened without blasting, and 'sillar', locally so-called, whether pure or mixed with other substances, and whether it requires blasting or not."

(3) "All rock not included in the above which requires drilling or blasting."

Locally, this classification is well understood, particularly No. 2, as it covers the sillar soils which are common in the neighborhood of Monterrey. The contract prices were: No. 1, 50 cents; No. 2, 1.50 pesos; and No. 3, 2.50 pesos per cu. m. These prices were over and above the clearing and grubbing of the line, which was paid for at the rate of 100 pesos per hectare.

The route of the pipe line being along broken country, at some points difficult of access, service roadways, about 3 m. wide, for hauling material were constructed, and, for about 7 km., a roadway was made along the line of the trench.

The prices for the roadway, under the above classification, were: For No. 1, 35 cents; No. 2, 1.50 pesos; and No. 3, 2.50 pesos per cu. m.

The trenches were excavated 5 cm. below the required finishing depth, to allow for grading the pipes in selected material, and were taken out to an average width of 40 cm. greater than the outside diameter of the pipe, to allow for their proper jointing, and also to give sufficient room to roll the pipes in the trenches.

The final quantities of excavation were:

Trench: No. 1 11,115 cu. m.
No. 2 18,096 "
No. 3 6,650 "
Total 35,861 cu. m.
Roadways: No. 1 4,165 cu. m.
No. 2 1,999 "
No. 3 30 "
Total 6,194 cu. m.

The route of the pipe line was laid out so as to obtain an average fill of not more than 1 m. over the tops of the pipes, but in some cases the cuts, for short lengths, were 3 m. deep. The excavation for this work began in June, 1907.

Hauling Pipes.—The pipes were hauled to the site of the work with ox-carts and mule teams. The cost of hauling varied from 25 cents per pipe at the lower end, to 1 peso per pipe at the upper and, comparatively speaking, inaccessible portion of the line. The weight of each 55.9-cm. pipe was about 182 kg.; that of each 63.5-cm. pipe was about 216 kg.

The breakages in all the pipes cast at the pipe yard amounted to about 1%, due chiefly to unloading them carelessly near the pipe line.

Pipe Laying.—The pipe-laying gang was composed of 7 Mexicans under the direction of an American foreman, who was in charge of several gangs. One gang could lay daily from 60 to 73 m. (from 100 to 120 pipes). The following was the ordinary pay-roll for one gang:

1 Foreman at 8 pesos (proportion). 2.00 pesos.
1 Pipe layer at 3 pesos. 3.00 "
1 Pipe layer's assistant at 2 pesos. 2.00 "
1 Cement mixer at 2 pesos. 2.00 "
2 Outside plasterers at 2.50 pesos. 5.00 "
2 Inside plasterers at 2.25 pesos. 4.50 "
1 Water boy at 0.50 peso. 0.50 "
Total. 20.00 pesos.

This brings the average cost of laying the pipes to 32.8 cents per lin. m.

The pipes were jointed with 1:2 cement mortar, the outer joint being rounded over both pipes for a width of 121/2 cm. (5 in.) and a height of about 19 mm. (3/4 in.). In making these joints the pipe layers wore rubber gloves. The joints were kept moist, and the trench was back-filled with fine, screened material to a depth of 10 cm. above the top of the pipe. Inside, the joints were carefully caulked with cement and rendered smooth, the plasterers working continuously along with the pipe layers, doing from 20 to 35 m. at a time. Water had to be conveyed to the trenches by barrels on burros, and during the dry season it was sometimes carried 5 or 6 km.

Fig. 1. Plate IV, Fig. 1.—Typical Reinforced Concrete Girder Bridge, Estanzuela Aqueduct.
Fig. 2. Plate IV, Fig. 2.—Elliptical Arch Bridge Carrying Estanzuela Aqueduct.

Bridges.—The line as laid out passed over many gulches and dry arroyos, and these were crossed with reinforced concrete bridges of varying spans and heights, two being shown on Plate IV.

These bridges were formed of continuous horizontal girders, 1.10 m. deep and 1 m. wide, with a cantilever overhang at the abutments, varying in length from 1 to 2 m., so as to avoid settlement between the pipes and the bridges. The bottom reinforcement consisted of from 2 to 6 twisted bars of mild steel, varying in different spans from 12.7 to 19 mm. (1/2 to 3/4 in.) in diameter. The turned up bars were 281/2 mm. (11/8 in.) in diameter; they were placed on either side, carried over the upper part of the beams, and continued along the end for the overhanging part of the girder. These bars, when not obtainable of the full length, were spliced with a lap of 1.2 m. with No. 6 galvanized-steel wire. The vertical stirrups were 4.7 by 25.4 mm. (3/16 by 1 in.), of mild steel; they were equally spaced 30.5 cm. (12 in.) apart, and carried all around the girders, lapping at the center about 15 cm. (6 in.), all the steel being carefully wired together before placing the concrete.

The general type of the piers and abutments is shown by Fig. 1, Plate IV, and varies in height with practically every bridge, the foundations in every case resting on hard rock. The concrete for the girders was a 1:21/2:31/2 mixture, the crushed stone used having all passed a mesh of 19 mm. (3/4 in.). The piers were of 1:31/2:51/2 concrete, and heavy "displacers" were embedded within them.

The concrete was placed after the pipes had been laid through the form by the pipe contractor, the joints being kept clear of the bottom to the required distance by small moulded concrete blocks. The tops of the girders were moulded to a slightly segmental form. The bridges were all kept watered for about 15 days, and the forms were not struck for 28 days after placing. At Station 13.4 the pipes were carried over a picturesque arroyo on an elliptical arched bridge (Fig. 2, Plate IV) of 11 m. clear span.

The abutments of all bridges were protected by rubble walls in cement mortar carried up 60 cm. above the tops of the girders.

The contract price for the concrete work of these bridges, the Company furnishing the steel and cement, was 14 pesos per cu. m., and for placing reinforcing steel 35 pesos per metric ton (2,204 lb.).

There are 49 single-span bridges, the larger spans being 9.10 m.; 8 two-span, and 11 three-span bridges, their total length, including the overhang, amounting to 870.50 m., or 41/2% of the whole length of aqueduct.

Concrete Aprons.—At 76 points there were small depressions which did not necessitate the construction of bridges, and at these places the pipes were encased in blocks of concrete carried up the hillside in the form of an apron having small abutment walls from 1 to 2 m. apart. This also served to protect the pipes from scouring action during rainstorms. At the upper end of the line, near the intake, the pipe had to be protected by concrete continuously for a distance of about 300 m., in order to prevent damage from falling rocks.

Fig. 1. Plate V, Fig. 1.—Ventilating Column and Entrance Manhole, Estanzuela Aqueduct.

Ventilators and Manholes.—Along the route of the concrete pipe there are 27 ventilators, one of which, together with an entrance manhole, is shown by Fig. 1, Plate V. They consisted of simple concrete columns, 3.35 m. high, above the ground line, the interior of the shafts being formed of fire-clay pipes, 15 cm. (6 in.) in diameter. At each ventilator the pipe was cut and a block of concrete, the width of the trench, filled in as a foundation. Entrance manholes were also placed at 49 points, at 27 of which they immediately adjoined the ventilating columns.

Estanzuela Tunnel.—At 1,560 m. from the intake at Estanzuela, the conduit is laid through a tunnel 281 m. long. The tunnel was driven through hard calcareous strata from the open cuttings at each end. The inner dimensions were trimmed to approximately 2 m. high and 11/2 m. wide. At the ends of the tunnel the rock was moderately easy to take out, but the inner section was very hard and difficult to blast. Ordinary hand drilling was adopted, and the actual cost of driving varied from 28 pesos per lin. m. at the ends to 50 pesos in the center.

The pipes were laid through the tunnel in the ordinary way, and back-filled from the center, so as to give a cover of about 45 cm. above to protect them from falling pieces of shale.

Fig. 2 Plate V, Fig. 2.—Placing Concrete Pipes in Forms for Bridge Crossing at North End of Tunnel, Estanzuela Aqueduct.

Siphons.—It has already been mentioned that there are 6 cast-iron pipe siphons. The head on these varies between 10 and 38 m. All are provided with special inlets and outlets, forming combined overflow and ventilating chambers, and have wooden hand-sluices to divert the water when necessary. The bottoms of all siphons are provided with 20-cm. cast-iron scour-out pipes, fitted with valves, and carried down to a lower point to obtain a free outlet. The valve-boxes are protected by being placed in heavy concrete chambers carried up above the level of ordinary floods.

The siphons are formed of cast-iron socket pipes, 3.65 m. (12 ft.) long, caulked in the ordinary way with lead joints. The thickness of the 45.7-cm. (18-in.) pipes is 19 mm.; that of the 50.8-cm. pipes is 21 mm. On the steep hillsides the pipes are anchored securely to the rock in concrete blocks reinforced with heavy iron chains. In some cases these siphons were difficult of access, but ox-teams hauled the pipes in a very efficient and satisfactory manner.

Overflow Chambers.—The ordinary overflows, of which there are 14, are similar in design to the siphon inlets.

Testing, etc.—When the line was completed it was tested for water-tightness, and the loss was found to be about 5%, part of which was probably due to absorption. At a later date it was found that the waters of the Estanzuela River, which contain 150 parts of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per million, deposited a very fine film of lime on the interior of the pipes, completely filling any pores there might have been. At the present time there is no measurable leakage, thus proving that the character of the work is very satisfactory.

The water was turned into the conduit on June 11th, 1908, and delivered to the city on the following day through a by-pass, before the reservoir was completed.

The pipe line is patrolled daily by an inspector with the authority of a gendarme, so as to prevent the unlawful abstraction of water, a very necessary precaution in so dry a country.


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