Engineers, etc.


G. S. Binckley, M. Am. Soc. C. E., was Chief Engineer of the Company from February to December, 1906. The writer was Chief Engineer from May 1st, 1907, until April, 1910, and is responsible for the design and construction of the works carried out during that period. Mr. J. D. Schuyler advised the Company throughout all preliminary studies and investigations, and acted as Consulting Engineer until February, 1908. The Technical Inspector, on behalf of the Government, throughout the whole progress of the works, has been Rudolf Meyer, M. Am. Soc. C. E., and the writer wishes to record the valuable assistance the Company has received from him.

In conclusion the writer may be permitted to pay a tribute to the devoted public spirit shown by his Excellency, General Bernardo Reyes, the Governor of the State of Nuevo LeÓn from 1885 to February, 1910, and who, untiring in his devotion to the interests of the city, was primarily responsible for the inception of the works and their successful completion.


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