
The Proprietors of "Graham's Magazine," desirous of maintaining for it the high reputation it has secured in the estimation of the people of the United States, are determined to spare no pains to increase its value, and make it universally regarded as the best literary publication in the country. To this end they have placed in the hands of several of our best engravers a series of plates, which will be truly remarkable for their superiority in design and execution. As usual, the pens of the best American writers will be employed in giving grace and excellence to its pages, and in addition to articles which have been secured from new contributors of acknowledged ability, they have the pleasure of announcing that an engagement has been effected with J. Bayard Taylor, Esq., whose writings are so extensively known and admired, by which his valuable assistance will be secured in the editorial department of this Magazine exclusively. This arrangement will, we are assured, be hailed with pleasure by the host of friends which the Magazine possesses throughout the Union, as an earnest that no efforts will be omitted to show the sense the proprietors entertain of past favors, by rendering their work still more attractive and deserving of patronage for the future.


[1] The Italian.

[2] Norman.

[3] The French.

Transcriber's Note:

Certain irregularities in spelling and grammar have been left as in the original. Small errors in punctuation have been corrected without comment.

1. page 122—added apostrophe to word 'wont' in phrase '..he wont be my hero...'

2. page 123—corrected typo 'will' to 'well' in phrase 'They are all very will for rich people.'

3. page 125—corrected error in text 'almost wondering at first what Angile meant.' to 'almost wondering at first what Augusta meant.'

4. page 130—corrected typo 'spedily' to 'speedily' in phrase ' a mast to it, which was spedily done.'

5. page 143—corrected typo 'brightnesss' to 'brightness' in phrase '...the beauty and brightnesss of that sweet...'

6. page 153—corrected typo 'stong' to 'strong' in phrase '...or some stong emotion...'


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