Thou reign'st supreme, love, in my heart,
O'er every secret thought;
Thou canst not find the smallest part
Where thou abidest not.
All blest emotions, every sense
Are consecrate to thee;
Would that affection so intense,
But filled thy heart for me!
Thou reign'st supreme, love, eyes that burn
With the soul's restless fire,
Their liquid glances on me turn,
Yet no fond thoughts inspire.
E'en in that hour for thee I long,
Like a wild bird set free;
Ah! would that love so true and strong
But filled thy heart for me!
Thou reign'st supreme, love, while I live
Thine shall be every breath;
And be thou near me to receive
My last fond sighs in death;
Thus to expire were joy, were bliss,
May such my portion be!
Oh! would that love as deep as this,
But filled thy heart for me!C. E. T.


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