From crimson to a sombre gray, Now softly shades of night draw nigh, The birds are twit’ring on the boughs, As flowers droop their heads and sigh; We hear low murm’rings of the sea In grand harmony rise and fall, Ev’ry ripple a cadence sweet, And ev’ry wave a distant call. Oh music so wistful, sublime, Entangled in joy and in tears, Sweet mem’ries of old you recall, Yes dim visions of by-gone years; Oh ling’ring breath of darkness dense Seeming lost in cavernous hill, Little murmuring, hidden streams, Low chanting the spirits’ sweet will. Beautiful is thy mute appeal; Majestic the grandeur of night, As dawn is stealing from afar ’Mid shimmering darkness and light; So on shadowy wings of love, Waft us thy song across the foam, Over the bounding billows free, Singing softly of home sweet home. |