Far, far out as the foaming waves,
Dance and glisten in caps of white,
See the setting sun’s crimson rays,
Reflected in the waters bright.
The crested billows rise and fall,
The mermaids chant their evening song,
In murmurs low the sea doth call,
The evening bell its tones prolong.
Echoing softly o’er the sea,
Then resounding along the shore,
As ebbing tides flow glad and free,
Forever sighing evermore.
The waters in green, blue and gold,
As the mist arises from the sea
In weird fantastic shadows bold,
Seem gently calling you and me.
Behold, oh great Creator blest,
Oh! Sovereign King of earth and heav’n,
Thy myst’ries sooth our souls to rest,
Faith and hope to us are given.



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