The Rancho Santa Anita, covered with oaks and on gentle, sloping ground, was situated between Pasadena and Monrovia, and includes within its 13,319 acres the cities of Sierra Madre and Arcadia. Its title was founded on a grant to Hugo Reid made in 1841, confirmed by Mexico in 1845 and by the United States in 1857. For 20 cents an acre Hugo Reid conveyed the rancho to Henry Dalton, an Englishman who had for 25 years lived in South America. Subsequently it passed to William Wolfskill, whose home in the Pueblo of Los Angeles stood on the present site of the Southern Pacific station. Wolfskill left the rancho to his son, Lewis, and the younger Wolfskill sold it in 1872 for $85,000 to H. Newmark & Co. Both Harris Newmark of that firm and Hugo Reid, the first owner of the rancho, have perpetuated their names in history by their writings of early Los Angeles. Mr. Newmark’s book, “Sixty Years in Southern California,” has had a wide circulation. Three years later for nearly three times the amount paid by H. Newmark and Co. the rancho was purchased by E. J. Baldwin. Lucky at the mines, lucky in the markets, lucky with horses and luckiest of all with land,—no wonder they called him “Lucky” Baldwin. Baldwin at this time was a San Franciscan and had made millions in the Ophir mines of Nevada. He built the “fireproof” Baldwin Hotel, the largest in San Francisco, later destroyed by fire. But the charm of Rancho Santa Anita soon took Baldwin from his northern home and he moved into the large ranch house, devoting the balance of his life to the development of this rancho and the acquiring of others. Upon his death in 1909, his daughters, Anita M. Baldwin and Clara Baldwin Stocker, succeeded him in the ownership of Rancho Santa Anita. Baldwin’s greatest love was for horses and he developed a breed of racing stock which became world-famous. Next to his love for horses he loved trees and he bordered every road within his rancho with trees and jealously fostered and guarded them. The towering lines of Eucalyptus trees along Huntington Drive and Santa Anita Avenue through the Rancho Santa Anita stand as evidence of the hand of “Lucky” Baldwin—those are his monuments. |