Chapter I INTRODUCTORY WHAT CONVERSATION IS AND WHAT IT IS NOT What is the aim of conversation?—The talk of Coleridge and Macaulay—Browning's delightful conversation—Why we go into society—The elements of good conversation—What it is not—Genius and scholarship not essential to good conversation | 21 | Chapter II DISCUSSION VERSUS CONTROVERSY Dr. Johnson's and Robert Louis Stevenson's opinion of discussion—Politeness and discussion—The hostess in discussion—Flat contradiction in discussion—Polemical squabbles—Brilliant discussion in France—The secret of delightful conversation in France—Leading the talk—Topics for discussion—Gladstone's conversation | 35 | Chapter III GOSSIP Gossip in literature—Gossip comes from being of one kindred under God—Gossip and the misanthrope—Personal history of people we know and people we don't know—Gossip of books of biography—Interest in others gives fellowship and warmth to life—Essential difference between slander and innocent gossip—The psychology of the slanderer—The apocryphal slanderer—"Talking behind another's back"—Personal chat the current coin of conversation | 63 | Chapter IV WHAT SHOULD GUESTS TALK ABOUT AT DINNER? Guests' talk during the quarter of an hour before dinner—What guests may talk about—Talking to one's dinner-companion—Guests' duty to host and hostess—The dominant note in table-talk—General and tÊte-À-tÊte conversation between guests—The raconteur at dinner | 89 | Chapter V TALK OF HOST AND HOSTESS AT DINNER The amalgam for combining guests—Hosts' talk during the quarter of an hour before dinner—Seating guests to enhance conversation—Number of guests for the best conversation—Directing the conversation at dinner—Drawing guests out—Signaling for conversation—General and tÊte-À-tÊte conversation—Putting strangers at ease—Steering talk away from offensive topics—The gracious host and hostess—An ideal dinner party | 111 | Chapter VI INTERRUPTION IN CONVERSATION Its deadening effect on conversation—Habitual interruption—Nervous interruption—Glib talkers—Interrupting by over-accuracy—Interruptions outside the conversation-circle—Children and their interruption—Good talk at table—Anecdotes of children's appreciation of good conversation—The hostess who is "Mistress of herself tho China fall" | 133 | Chapter VII POWER OF FITNESS, TACT, AND NICETY IN BUSINESS WORDS. Why cultivating the social instinct adds strength to business persuasion—Secret of the ability to use tactful and vivid words in business—Essential training necessary to the nice use of words—Business success depends upon nicety and tact more than on any quality of force | 161 | Chapter VIII CONCLUSION Conversation is reciprocal—Good conversationalists cannot talk to the best advantage without confederates—As in whist it is the combination which effects what a single whist-playing genius cannot accomplish—Good conversation does not mark a distinction among subjects; It denotes a difference in talkability—The different degrees of talkability—Imperturbable glibness impedes good conversation—Ease with which one may improve one's conversational powers | 175 |