His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, to whose gracious patronage the Rocket System owes its existence, having been pleased to command the formation of a Rocket Corps, on the 1st of January, 1814, by augmentation to the Regiment of Artillery, as proposed by his Lordship, the Earl of Mulgrave, Master General of the Ordnance; I have thought it my duty to draw up the following details of the System, for the Instruction of the Officers of the Corps, for the information of the General Officers of the British Army, and that of such departments as it is important for the good of the service, to make acquainted with the principles of this new branch of our naval and military means of offence and defence. I have, indeed, conceived it the more incumbent upon me to prepare such a document for the use of the Rocket Corps, with as much expedition as possible, that nothing might be wanting on my part towards its completion, having been induced to decline the offer graciously made me of commanding it, with rank in the Regiment of Artillery; a decision, in which I trust I have sufficiently proved myself to have been actuated by the most sincere WILLIAM CONGREVE. |