MEN. | Sir Sampson Legend, father to Valentine and Ben, | Mr. Underhill. | Valentine, fallen under his father’s displeasure by his expensive way of living, in love with Angelica, | Mr. Betterton. | Scandal, his friend, a free speaker, | Mr. Smith. | Tattle, a half-witted beau, vain of his amours, yet valuing himself for secrecy, | Mr. Bowman. | Ben, Sir Sampson’s younger son, half home-bred and half sea-bred, designed to marry Miss Prue, | Mr. Dogget. | Foresight, an illiterate old fellow, peevish and positive, superstitious, and pretending to understand astrology, palmistry, physiognomy, omens, dreams, etc.; uncle to Angelica, | Mr. Sanford. | Jeremy, servant to Valentine, | Mr. Bowen. | Trapland, a scrivener, | Mr. Triffusis. | Buckram, a lawyer, | Mr. Freeman. | WOMEN. | Angelica, niece to Foresight, of a considerable fortune in her own hands, | Mrs. Bracegirdle. | Mrs. Foresight, second wife to Foresight, | Mrs. Bowman. | Mrs. Frail, sister to Mrs. Foresight, a woman of the town, | Mrs. Barry. | Miss Prue, daughter to Foresight by a former wife, a silly, awkward country girl, | Mrs. Ayliff. | Nurse to Miss, | Mrs. Leigh. | Jenny, | Mrs. Lawson. | A Steward, Officers, Sailors, and Several Servants. The Scene in London.