- Agriculture in schools, 265
- Work of the Department of, 194
- Aitkin, George, Report by, 373
- Alaska coal lands, 21, 310
- Allen, E. T., Report by, 367, 424
- American Academy of Political and Social Science, Report of, 379
- American Automobile Association, Report of, 380
- American Civic Association, Report of, 383
- American Forestry Association, Report of, 384
- American Humane Association, Report of, 385
- American Institute of Architects, Report of, 386
- American Medical Association, Report of, 389
- American Paper and Pulp Association, Report of, 388
- American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association,
- American Railway Master Mechanics' Association, Report of, 393
- American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, Report of, 394
- Ames, Charles W., Report by, 380
- Anderson, A. T., Report by, 420
- Arizona, Report from, 324
- Arkansas, Report from, 314, 333
- Association for the Protection of the Adirondacks, Report of, 397
- Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, Report of, 383
- Babb, Cyrus C., Report by, 341
- Babb, George W., Report by, 418
- Babcock, George H., Report by, 411
- Backus, E. W., Report by, 389
- Bailey, E. W. M., Report by, 411
- Bailey, Liberty Hyde, Address by, 203
- Baker, A. L., Address by, 222
- Baker, Bernard N., Introductory remarks by, 7
- Report by, 314
- Resolution of thanks to, 308
- Baldwin, A. S., Report by, 393
- Ballinger, R. A., Reference to work of, 76
- Bannister, O. B., Report by, 314
- Barker, Henry A., Report by, 324, 368, 384
- Barrett, John, Address by, 80, 237
- Barrett, C. S., Report by, 411
- Benson, R. Dale, Report by, 418
- Bentley, H. T., Report by, 394
- Beveridge, Senator Albert J., Address by, 146
- Bissell, R. M., Report by, 418
- Blanchard, Ex-Governor Newton C., Address by, 121
- Boardman, Miss Mabel, Address by, 94
- Bro
tml@files@36031@36031-h@36031-h-12.htm.html#Page_276" class="pginternal">276
Howe, Frederic C., quoted on export trade, 184 Hunt, G. M., Report by, 324 - Resolution of thanks by, 307
- Idaho, Report from, 336
- Illinois, Resources of, 59
- Indiana, Report from, 314, 336
- Invocation by Archbishop Ireland, 1
- Bishop Edsall, 134
- Reverend J. S. Montgomery, 81
- Iowa, Report from, 337
- Ireland, Archbishop, Invocation by, 1
- Iron ore of Minnesota, 12
- Irrigation, Extension of, 55
- Johns, William Douglas, Report by, 320
- Johnson, Emory R., Report by, 380
- Jones, W. A. Fleming, Report by, 347, 380
- Resolution of thanks by, 307
- Jusserand, J. J., Quoted on forests and waterways, 428
- Kavanaugh, W. K., Report by, 415
- Keller, Mayor Herbert E., Address of welcome by, 13
- Kremer, W. N., Report by, 418
- Krueger, A. W., Report by, 319
- Kunz, George Frederick,
- "The Conservation of Minerals and Subterranean Waters," 429
- Lacey, John F., Report by, 416
- Lakes-to-Gulf Deep Waterways Association, Report of, 413
- Land
- Laws, 17, 35
- Laws, Needed reformation in, 288, 296, 425
- taxation, 152
- Titles, The Question of, 430
- Lands, Conservation and utilization of, 295
- Lands, Public, 16
- Latchaw, D. Austin, Address by, 171
- Election of, as Treasurer, 307
- Lattimore, George W., Report by, 319
- Laws That Should be Passed, 327
- Lazenby, William R., Report by, 364
- League of American Sportsmen, Report of, 415
- Legislative functions, Failure in performing, 280
- Lewis, T. L., Report by, 424
- Life and Health, Address on, 247
- Louisiana, Report from, 339
- Lowe, E. N., Report by, 315
- Mackenzie, Alexander, Reference to work of, 414
- Maine, Report from, 341
- Marshall, Chief Justice John, Opinions by, 109
- Martin, Ben J., Jr., Report by, 418
- Smith, Herbert Knox, Address by, 101
- Smythe, William E., Address by, 127
- Sneath, Mrs G. B., Address by, 166
- Snyder, William A., Report by, 411
- Soil as a Resource, 6, 205, 259
- South Carolina, Report from, 369
- South Dakota, Report from, 319, 369
- Sprague, Henry H., Report by, 343
- Start, Edwin A., Report by, 385
- Stevens, Representative F. C., Address by, 201
- Stevens, Frederick C., Report by, 380
- Stillman, William O., Report by, 386
- Stubbs, Governor W. R., Address by, 75, 81
- Swain, George F., Reference to work of, 428
- Taft, President, Address by, 14
- Cited on National functions, 116
- Tribute to, 13
- Taxation
- of forests, 295
- of National resources, Address on, 152
- Texas, Report from, 370
- Thorp, Freeman, Report by, 315
- Timber Conservation, 424
- Tomkies, Mrs Hoyle, Address by, 163
- Trans-Mississippi Congress, Resolution concerning, 315
- Tree Planters of America, Proposed organization of, 420
- Twichell, Jerome, Report by, 421
- United Mine Workers, Report of, 424
- Upper Mississippi River Improvement Association, Report of, 421
- Utah, Report from, 372
- Vermont, Report from, 373
- Vessey, Governor, Address by, 77
- Vice-Presidents, Ratification of the, 313
- Von Tobel, Rudolph, Report by, 317, 345
- Von Schrenk, Hermann, Report by, 344
- Wagstaff, Alfred, Report by, 386
- Waldron, C. B., Report by, 362
- Wallace, Henry, Address by, 188, 305
- Nomination and election of as President, 304
- Warfield, R. Emory, Report by, 418
- Washington, Report from, 320, 375
- Resources of, 64
- Sentiment of, 120
- Washington St
J. H. BERKSHIRE, President O. W. FISHER, Vice-Pres. J. B. WHITE, Sec'y-Treas. and Gen'l Mgr. Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company MISSOURI SOFT PINE LONG LEAF YELLOW PINE SHORT LEAF YELLOW PINE OAK FLOORING LOUISIANA MILLS: LOUISIANA LONG LEAF LUMBER CO., FISHER, LA. 1 Pine and 1 Oak Flooring Mill LOUISIANA LONG LEAF LUMBER CO., VICTORIA, LA. 1 Pine Mill LOUISIANA CENTRAL LUMBER CO., CLARKS, LA. 2 Pine Mills LOUISIANA CENTRAL LUMBER CO., STANDARD, LA. 1 Pine Mill MISSOURI MILLS: MISSOURI LUMBER & MINING CO., WEST EMINENCE, MO. 1 Pine Mill OZARK LAND & LUMBER CO., WINONA, MO. 1 Pine and 1 Oak Mill Annual Capacity 250,000,000 Feet High Grades Quick Shipments MAIN OFFICE 1111 LONG BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company SHIPMENTS We ship stock of our own manufacture exclusively. We carry large, well assorted stocks and quote only when we are sure of being able to comply with grade and time requirements. As our mills are located on four (4) different railroads we can always ship orders without delay. FINISHING LUMBER We specialize on FINISHING lumber and every care is exercised to make it THE BEST. By separating all widths and lengths, we are in a position to quote on any particular width or length desired. We carry in stock Finish as wide as 26 inches, in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 thicknesses. Our MISSOURI FINISH, owing to its flexibility, lightness, softness and figure, is peculiarly adapted to all finishing work. We also carry all grades of Finish in 4, 6 and 8 feet lengths. If You want GOOD GRADES and PROMPT SERVICE, write the "EXCHANGE" Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company PINE YARD AND SHED STOCK We carry a large stock of all yard and shed material, which is piled scientifically to avoid sap-staining and bluing and to insure dryness Our upper grades are all STEAM KILN DRIED and a large percentage of our lower grades are either STEAM KILN DRIED or SODA DIPPED Either process precludes the possibility of sap-staining If You want GOOD GRADES and PROMPT SERVICE, write the "EXCHANGE" Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company OAK FLOORING In the manufacture of our "DIAMOND BRAND" Oak Flooring the greatest possible care is taken in every department. Our Oak Flooring, owing to our method of drying and working, gives COMPLETE SATISFACTION in all climates. Due to the fact that our mill is located at the same point where we operate a pine plant we can ship Oak Flooring and Pine in the same car Oak Timbers, Factory Stock, Etc. We manufacture Oak Timbers, Ties, Car Framing, Grain Doors, Factory Stock, Etc. We can ship Oak, rough or dressed, in mixed cars with Yellow Pine If You want GOOD GRADES and PROMPT SERVICE, write the "EXCHANGE" Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company RAILROAD MATERIAL We manufacture large quantities of Bridge Timbers, Cross Ties (Both Oak and Pine), Braces, Etc., with or without heart specifications, shipping same rough or surfaced as may be desired. CAR MATERIAL By specializing on car material we are in a position to handle satisfactorily orders for Sills, Framing (both Oak and Pine), Lining, Roofing, Siding, Insulation, Grain Doors, Etc. If You want GOOD GRADES and PROMPT SERVICE, write the "EXCHANGE" Missouri Lumber & Land Exchange Company SHORTS We carry in stock 4, 6 and 8 foot lengths, in all grades from No. 3 Common to "A," in both 4-4 and 8-4 stock. All widths and lengths are stacked separately. We will work these "shorts" to any pattern desired or ship rough, trimming to any length specified SPECIAL MATERIAL We manufacture any special items desired, in Oak and Pine, such as Spreader Slats, Step-Ladder Material, Pulley Stiles, Crating Stock, Etc. If you use anything in "shorts," regardless of grade, length, width or pattern, send us your inquiry. If You want GOOD GRADES and PROMPT SERVICE, write the "EXCHANGE"