Colophon Availability


This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at


This text is produced from various scans available at the Internet Archive and Google Books. GB 1 (TIA), GB 2 (TIA), TIA 1, TIA 2, TIA 3. A further copy is available at Cornell University.

Obvious spelling mistakes in the text have been corrected. This includes the curious use of the word caribou for carabao throughout the text.

Revision History

  1. 2009-04-19 Started.

External References

The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction
5 Caribou Carabao
5 Caribou Carabao
5 Caribou Carabao
18 wistaria wisteria
22 indispensible indispensable
24 preson person
25 cooly coolie
26 capitol capital
29 Buddist Buddhist
52 caribou carabao
52 caribou carabao
54 Bilibeb Bilibid
64 caribou carabao
70 caribou carabao
71 sowsow sow-sow
74 at [Deleted]
86 villians villains
89 varities varieties
93 caribou carabao
102 caribou carabao
103 Caribou Carabao
103 soons soon
104 caribou carabao
104 caribou carabao
104 caribou carabao
104 caribou carabao
105 Caribou Carabao
105 Caribou Carabao
107 caribou carabao
110 The They
112 caribou carabao
122 deseased diseased
125 Senora SeÑora
140 towls towels
143 mes me
145 artifical artificial
156 Caribou Carabao
159 suported supported
160 make made
161 women woman
164 Vancover Vancouver
165 [Deleted]
165 [Not in source]


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