afr | = | adradial furrow. |
afr´ | = | furrow in Tripedalia that separates perradial from interrad. regions in lower half of bell. (In Charybdea the same furrow is directly continuous with afr.) |
ax | = | axis of nerve. |
c | = | concretion. |
cc | = | canal underneath ivl, connecting the two adjacent marginal pockets. |
ccl | = | circular canal. |
ci | = | cilia. |
cm | = | circular muscle. |
co | = | cornea. |
cp | = | capsule of lens. |
cs | = | covering scale of niche. |
csc | = | canal of sensory club. |
ct | = | canal of tentacle. |
ct´ | = | beginning of canals of lateral tentacles in Tripedalia. |
ec | = | ectoderm. |
ece | = | ectoderm of exumbrella. |
ecs | = | ectoderm of subumbrella. |
ed | = | distal paired eye. |
el | = | larger unpaired eye. |
en | = | endoderm. |
enc | = | endoderm of sensory club. |
enf | = | tract of nerve fibres underlying endoderm. |
enfl | = | endoderm of floor of stomach. |
enp | = | endoderm of stomach pockets. |
enr | = | endoderm of roof of stomach. |
ens | = | endoderm of stomach. |
ep | = | proximal paired eye. |
es | = | smaller unpaired eye. |
fc | = | funnel leading into canal of sensory clubs. |
fp | = | fibre from subepithelial plexus of subumbrella. |
fph | = | filaments of phacellus. |
frn | = | frenulum. |
ft | = | funnel-shaped depression in ectoderm axial to base of tentacle. |
g | = | gelatine. |
gc | = | ganglion cell. |
ge | = | gelatine of exumbrella. |
go | = | gastric ostium. |
gs | = | gelatine of subumbrella. |
hvl | = | horizontal vascular lamella. |
i | = | interradius. |
if | = | interradial funnel of bell cavity. |
ifr | = | interradial furrow. |
ivl | = | interradial vascular lamella. |
l | = | lens. |
lv | = | lip of valve. |
m | = | bell margin. |
mc | = | mucous cell. |
mep | = | mesogonial pocket. |
mo | = | mouth. |
mp | = | marginal pocket. |
mp´ | = | smaller marginal pockets, in Tripedalia. |
mst | = | muscle of stock of sensory club. |
mt | = | muscle at base of tentacle. |
n | = | nerve. |
nc | = | network cells, in sensory club. |
nf | = | nerve fibres. |
nm | = | nematocyst. |
nst | = | nerve of stalk of sensory club. |
osn | = | outline of sensory niche. |
p | = | perradius. |
pe | = | pedalium. |
ph | = | phacellus. |
pr | = | proboscis. |
r | = | reproductive organ. |
rc | = | remains of concretion. |
rcl | = | radial canal. |
rg | = | radial ganglion. |
rm | = | radial muscle. |
rn | = | radial nerve. |
rns | = | root of nerve of sensory club. |
rs? | = | remains of stalk (?) of sensory organ. |
rt | = | retina. |
s | = | stomach. |
sc | = | bell cavity. |
scl | = | sensory club. |
scn | = | supporting cell of nerve. |
se | = | sensory epithelium. |
sh | = | shrinkage space. |
sl | = | stalk of lens. |
sla | = | supporting lamella. |
sn | = | sensory niche. |
so | = | sensory organ in proboscis of Tripedalia. |
sp | = | stomach pocket. |
sph | = | stalk of phacellus. |
ss | = | stalk of sensory organ, in proboscis. |
st | = | stalk of sensory club. |
su | = | suspensorium. |
sub | = | subumbrella. |
tl | = | lateral tentacle. |
tm | = | median tentacle. |
v | = | velarium. |