While ’tendin’ skool I uster be fust class et playin’ ball, Et playin’ tag er leap-frog I wuz formost of ’em all; Sech sportin’ allus hed fer me a wondrous fascination, An’ so I spent more time et this than on my eddication. I of’en git to thinkin’ what fine chances I hed then To git an’ eddication, but of course it’s useless when The opportunity is passed to mourn yer situation— It’s pooty hard when you are ol’ to git an eddication. Now boys I’m ’fraid thet some o’ you are growin’ up this way, I’m ’fraid fer learnin’ some o’ you are substertootin’ play, I’m ’fraid there’s boys a-livin’ in this present gineration, Who’ll wish some day they’d seen less play an’ more o’ eddication. You can’t keep waitin’, thinkin’ thet you’ve got a lot o’ time,— The time to git yer schoolin’, boys, is while you’re in yer prime; When you are ol’ you’ll see enough o’ care an’ tribulation, Without the thought thet carelessly you missed an eddication. |