Yes, boys, I’m waitin’ patiently to see the dawn o’ spring— To see the flowers in blossom an’ to hear the robins sing; An’ to see the trees an’ meadows clad in garbs o’ livin’ green; An’ to hear the merry music o’ the brook thet flows between. It makes me fairly home-sick sech cold wintry days ez these, The snow a driftin’ everywhere an’ layin’ in the trees; An’ when Jack Frost steals ’round et night an’ frescoes everything, It makes me hanker more an’ more to see the dawn o’ spring. Fer I know when spring comes ’round ag’in with all her sweet perfume; Her reses all in blossom an’ her orchards all a-bloom, An’ robins singin’ gaily—I’ll be happy ez a king; Thet’s why I’m waitin’ patiently to see the dawn o’ spring. |