It’s hard to write a decent song, tho’ maybe you deny it, Most any job looks easy you’ll allow; But if you’re inexperienced perhaps you’d better try it, An’ you’ll find the nickromancy’s in the art o’ knowin’ how. There’s lots o’ things you’ve never done that looks all killin’ easy— Did you ever try to milk a kickin’ cow? If not, just try yer hand fer fun, to satisfy and please ye, An’ you’ll find the nickromancy’s in the art o’ knowin’ how. Whatever yer profession, you’ll discover soon or late, As you stop to wipe the sweat from off yer brow, That to preach a decent sermon er to draw a furrow straight, The nickromancy lies within the art o’ knowin’ how. So be sure thet you’re adapted to the work thet you profess, Teachin’ gospel truths er hangin’ on the plow, Then buckle down to business, an’ yer can’t escape success, Fer you’ll find the nickromancy’s in the art o’ knowin’ how. |