
The Calculus of direct Functions, or Algebra, is (as was shown at the end of the preceding chapter) entirely sufficient for the solution of mathematical questions, when they are so simple that we can form directly the equations between the magnitudes themselves which we are considering, without its being necessary to introduce in their place, or conjointly with them, any system of auxiliary quantities derived from the first. It is true that in the greatest number of important cases its use requires to be preceded and prepared by that of the Calculus of indirect Functions, which is intended to facilitate the establishment of equations. But, although algebra has then only a secondary office to perform, it has none the less a necessary part in the complete solution of the question, so that the Calculus of direct Functions must continue to be, by its nature, the fundamental base of all mathematical analysis. We must therefore, before going any further, consider in a general manner the logical composition of this calculus, and the degree of development to which it has at the present day arrived.

Its Object. The final object of this calculus being the resolution (properly so called) of equations, that is, the discovery of the manner in which the unknown quantities are formed from the known quantities, in accordance with the equations which exist between them, it naturally presents as many different departments as we can conceive truly distinct classes of equations. Its appropriate extent is consequently rigorously indefinite, the number of analytical functions susceptible of entering into equations being in itself quite unlimited, although they are composed of only a very small number of primitive elements.

Classification of Equations. The rational classification of equations must evidently be determined by the nature of the analytical elements of which their numbers are composed; every other classification would be essentially arbitrary. Accordingly, analysts begin by dividing equations with one or more variables into two principal classes, according as they contain functions of only the first three couples (see the table in chapter i., page 51), or as they include also exponential or circular functions. The names of Algebraic functions and Transcendental functions, commonly given to these two principal groups of analytical elements, are undoubtedly very inappropriate. But the universally established division between the corresponding equations is none the less very real in this sense, that the resolution of equations containing the functions called transcendental necessarily presents more difficulties than those of the equations called algebraic. Hence the study of the former is as yet exceedingly imperfect, so that frequently the resolution of the most simple of them is still unknown to us,[7] and our analytical methods have almost exclusive reference to the elaboration of the latter.


Considering now only these Algebraic equations, we must observe, in the first place, that although they may often contain irrational functions of the unknown quantities as well as rational functions, we can always, by more or less easy transformations, make the first case come under the second, so that it is with this last that analysts have had to occupy themselves exclusively in order to resolve all sorts of algebraic equations.

Their Classification. In the infancy of algebra, these equations were classed according to the number of their terms. But this classification was evidently faulty, since it separated cases which were really similar, and brought together others which had nothing in common besides this unimportant characteristic.[8] It has been retained only for equations with two terms, which are, in fact, capable of being resolved in a manner peculiar to themselves.

The classification of equations by what is called their degrees, is, on the other hand, eminently natural, for this distinction rigorously determines the greater or less difficulty of their resolution. This gradation is apparent in the cases of all the equations which can be resolved; but it may be indicated in a general manner independently of the fact of the resolution. We need only consider that the most general equation of each degree necessarily comprehends all those of the different inferior degrees, as must also the formula which determines the unknown quantity. Consequently, however slight we may suppose the difficulty peculiar to the degree which we are considering, since it is inevitably complicated in the execution with those presented by all the preceding degrees, the resolution really offers more and more obstacles, in proportion as the degree of the equation is elevated.


Its Limits. The resolution of algebraic equations is as yet known to us only in the four first degrees, such is the increase of difficulty noticed above. In this respect, algebra has made no considerable progress since the labours of Descartes and the Italian analysts of the sixteenth century, although in the last two centuries there has been perhaps scarcely a single geometer who has not busied himself in trying to advance the resolution of equations. The general equation of the fifth degree itself has thus far resisted all attacks.

The constantly increasing complication which the formulas for resolving equations must necessarily present, in proportion as the degree increases (the difficulty of using the formula of the fourth degree rendering it almost inapplicable), has determined analysts to renounce, by a tacit agreement, the pursuit of such researches, although they are far from regarding it as impossible to obtain the resolution of equations of the fifth degree, and of several other higher ones.

General Solution. The only question of this kind which would be really of great importance, at least in its logical relations, would be the general resolution of algebraic equations of any degree whatsoever. Now, the more we meditate on this subject, the more we are led to think, with Lagrange, that it really surpasses the scope of our intelligence. We must besides observe that the formula which would express the root of an equation of the mth degree would necessarily include radicals of the mth order (or functions of an equivalent multiplicity), because of the m determinations which it must admit. Since we have seen, besides, that this formula must also embrace, as a particular case, that formula which corresponds to every lower degree, it follows that it would inevitably also contain radicals of the next lower degree, the next lower to that, &c., so that, even if it were possible to discover it, it would almost always present too great a complication to be capable of being usefully employed, unless we could succeed in simplifying it, at the same time retaining all its generality, by the introduction of a new class of analytical elements of which we yet have no idea. We have, then, reason to believe that, without having already here arrived at the limits imposed by the feeble extent of our intelligence, we should not be long in reaching them if we actively and earnestly prolonged this series of investigations.

It is, besides, important to observe that, even supposing we had obtained the resolution of algebraic equations of any degree whatever, we would still have treated only a very small part of algebra, properly so called, that is, of the calculus of direct functions, including the resolution of all the equations which can be formed by the known analytical functions.

Finally, we must remember that, by an undeniable law of human nature, our means for conceiving new questions being much more powerful than our resources for resolving them, or, in other words, the human mind being much more ready to inquire than to reason, we shall necessarily always remain below the difficulty, no matter to what degree of development our intellectual labour may arrive. Thus, even though we should some day discover the complete resolution of all the analytical equations at present known, chimerical as the supposition is, there can be no doubt that, before attaining this end, and probably even as a subsidiary means, we would have already overcome the difficulty (a much smaller one, though still very great) of conceiving new analytical elements, the introduction of which would give rise to classes of equations of which, at present, we are completely ignorant; so that a similar imperfection in algebraic science would be continually reproduced, in spite of the real and very important increase of the absolute mass of our knowledge.

What we know in Algebra. In the present condition of algebra, the complete resolution of the equations of the first four degrees, of any binomial equations, of certain particular equations of the higher degrees, and of a very small number of exponential, logarithmic, or circular equations, constitute the fundamental methods which are presented by the calculus of direct functions for the solution of mathematical problems. But, limited as these elements are, geometers have nevertheless succeeded in treating, in a truly admirable manner, a very great number of important questions, as we shall find in the course of the volume. The general improvements introduced within a century into the total system of mathematical analysis, have had for their principal object to make immeasurably useful this little knowledge which we have, instead of tending to increase it. This result has been so fully obtained, that most frequently this calculus has no real share in the complete solution of the question, except by its most simple parts; those which have reference to equations of the two first degrees, with one or more variables.


The extreme imperfection of algebra, with respect to the resolution of equations, has led analysts to occupy themselves with a new class of questions, whose true character should be here noted. They have busied themselves in filling up the immense gap in the resolution of algebraic equations of the higher degrees, by what they have named the numerical resolution of equations. Not being able to obtain, in general, the formula which expresses what explicit function of the given quantities the unknown one is, they have sought (in the absence of this kind of resolution, the only one really algebraic) to determine, independently of that formula, at least the value of each unknown quantity, for various designated systems of particular values attributed to the given quantities. By the successive labours of analysts, this incomplete and illegitimate operation, which presents an intimate mixture of truly algebraic questions with others which are purely arithmetical, has been rendered possible in all cases for equations of any degree and even of any form. The methods for this which we now possess are sufficiently general, although the calculations to which they lead are often so complicated as to render it almost impossible to execute them. We have nothing else to do, then, in this part of algebra, but to simplify the methods sufficiently to render them regularly applicable, which we may hope hereafter to effect. In this condition of the calculus of direct functions, we endeavour, in its application, so to dispose the proposed questions as finally to require only this numerical resolution of the equations.

Its limited Usefulness. Valuable as is such a resource in the absence of the veritable solution, it is essential not to misconceive the true character of these methods, which analysts rightly regard as a very imperfect algebra. In fact, we are far from being always able to reduce our mathematical questions to depend finally upon only the numerical resolution of equations; that can be done only for questions quite isolated or truly final, that is, for the smallest number. Most questions, in fact, are only preparatory, and intended to serve as an indispensable preparation for the solution of other questions. Now, for such an object, it is evident that it is not the actual value of the unknown quantity which it is important to discover, but the formula, which shows how it is derived from the other quantities under consideration. It is this which happens, for example, in a very extensive class of cases, whenever a certain question includes at the same time several unknown quantities. We have then, first of all, to separate them. By suitably employing the simple and general method so happily invented by analysts, and which consists in referring all the other unknown quantities to one of them, the difficulty would always disappear if we knew how to obtain the algebraic resolution of the equations under consideration, while the numerical solution would then be perfectly useless. It is only for want of knowing the algebraic resolution of equations with a single unknown quantity, that we are obliged to treat Elimination as a distinct question, which forms one of the greatest special difficulties of common algebra. Laborious as are the methods by the aid of which we overcome this difficulty, they are not even applicable, in an entirely general manner, to the elimination of one unknown quantity between two equations of any form whatever.

In the most simple questions, and when we have really to resolve only a single equation with a single unknown quantity, this numerical resolution is none the less a very imperfect method, even when it is strictly sufficient. It presents, in fact, this serious inconvenience of obliging us to repeat the whole series of operations for the slightest change which may take place in a single one of the quantities considered, although their relations to one another remain unchanged; the calculations made for one case not enabling us to dispense with any of those which relate to a case very slightly different. This happens because of our inability to abstract and treat separately that purely algebraic part of the question which is common to all the cases which result from the mere variation of the given numbers.

According to the preceding considerations, the calculus of direct functions, viewed in its present state, divides into two very distinct branches, according as its subject is the algebraic resolution of equations or their numerical resolution. The first department, the only one truly satisfactory, is unhappily very limited, and will probably always remain so; the second, too often insufficient, has, at least, the advantage of a much greater generality. The necessity of clearly distinguishing these two parts is evident, because of the essentially different object proposed in each, and consequently the peculiar point of view under which quantities are therein considered.

Different Divisions of the two Methods of Resolution. If, moreover, we consider these parts with reference to the different methods of which each is composed, we find in their logical distribution an entirely different arrangement. In fact, the first part must be divided according to the nature of the equations which we are able to resolve, and independently of every consideration relative to the values of the unknown quantities. In the second part, on the contrary, it is not according to the degrees of the equations that the methods are naturally distinguished, since they are applicable to equations of any degree whatever; it is according to the numerical character of the values of the unknown quantities; for, in calculating these numbers directly, without deducing them from general formulas, different means would evidently be employed when the numbers are not susceptible of having their values determined otherwise than by a series of approximations, always incomplete, or when they can be obtained with entire exactness. This distinction of incommensurable and of commensurable roots, which require quite different principles for their determination, important as it is in the numerical resolution of equations, is entirely insignificant in the algebraic resolution, in which the rational or irrational nature of the numbers which are obtained is a mere accident of the calculation, which cannot exercise any influence over the methods employed; it is, in a word, a simple arithmetical consideration. We may say as much, though in a less degree, of the division of the commensurable roots themselves into entire and fractional. In fine, the case is the same, in a still greater degree, with the most general classification of roots, as real and imaginary. All these different considerations, which are preponderant as to the numerical resolution of equations, and which are of no importance in their algebraic resolution, render more and more sensible the essentially distinct nature of these two principal parts of algebra.

These two departments, which constitute the immediate object of the calculus of direct functions, are subordinate to a third one, purely speculative, from which both of them borrow their most powerful resources, and which has been very exactly designated by the general name of Theory of Equations, although it as yet relates only to Algebraic equations. The numerical resolution of equations, because of its generality, has special need of this rational foundation.

This last and important branch of algebra is naturally divided into two orders of questions, viz., those which refer to the composition of equations, and those which concern their transformation; these latter having for their object to modify the roots of an equation without knowing them, in accordance with any given law, providing that this law is uniform in relation to all the parts.[9]


To complete this rapid general enumeration of the different essential parts of the calculus of direct functions, I must, lastly, mention expressly one of the most fruitful and important theories of algebra proper, that relating to the transformation of functions into series by the aid of what is called the Method of indeterminate Coefficients. This method, so eminently analytical, and which must be regarded as one of the most remarkable discoveries of Descartes, has undoubtedly lost some of its importance since the invention and the development of the infinitesimal calculus, the place of which it might so happily take in some particular respects. But the increasing extension of the transcendental analysis, although it has rendered this method much less necessary, has, on the other hand, multiplied its applications and enlarged its resources; so that by the useful combination between the two theories, which has finally been effected, the use of the method of indeterminate coefficients has become at present much more extensive than it was even before the formation of the calculus of indirect functions.

Having thus sketched the general outlines of algebra proper, I have now to offer some considerations on several leading points in the calculus of direct functions, our ideas of which may be advantageously made more clear by a philosophical examination.


The difficulties connected with several peculiar symbols to which algebraic calculations sometimes lead, and especially to the expressions called imaginary, have been, I think, much exaggerated through purely metaphysical considerations, which have been forced upon them, in the place of regarding these abnormal results in their true point of view as simple analytical facts. Viewing them thus, we readily see that, since the spirit of mathematical analysis consists in considering magnitudes in reference to their relations only, and without any regard to their determinate value, analysts are obliged to admit indifferently every kind of expression which can be engendered by algebraic combinations. The interdiction of even one expression because of its apparent singularity would destroy the generality of their conceptions. The common embarrassment on this subject seems to me to proceed essentially from an unconscious confusion between the idea of function and the idea of value, or, what comes to the same thing, between the algebraic and the arithmetical point of view. A thorough examination would show mathematical analysis to be much more clear in its nature than even mathematicians commonly suppose.


As to negative quantities, which have given rise to so many misplaced discussions, as irrational as useless, we must distinguish between their abstract signification and their concrete interpretation, which have been almost always confounded up to the present day. Under the first point of view, the theory of negative quantities can be established in a complete manner by a single algebraical consideration. The necessity of admitting such expressions is the same as for imaginary quantities, as above indicated; and their employment as an analytical artifice, to render the formulas more comprehensive, is a mechanism of calculation which cannot really give rise to any serious difficulty. We may therefore regard the abstract theory of negative quantities as leaving nothing essential to desire; it presents no obstacles but those inappropriately introduced by sophistical considerations.

It is far from being so, however, with their concrete theory. This consists essentially in that admirable property of the signs + and-, of representing analytically the oppositions of directions of which certain magnitudes are susceptible. This general theorem on the relation of the concrete to the abstract in mathematics is one of the most beautiful discoveries which we owe to the genius of Descartes, who obtained it as a simple result of properly directed philosophical observation. A great number of geometers have since striven to establish directly its general demonstration, but thus far their efforts have been illusory. Their vain metaphysical considerations and heterogeneous minglings of the abstract and the concrete have so confused the subject, that it becomes necessary to here distinctly enunciate the general fact. It consists in this: if, in any equation whatever, expressing the relation of certain quantities which are susceptible of opposition of directions, one or more of those quantities come to be reckoned in a direction contrary to that which belonged to them when the equation was first established, it will not be necessary to form directly a new equation for this second state of the phenomena; it will suffice to change, in the first equation, the sign of each of the quantities which shall have changed its direction; and the equation, thus modified, will always rigorously coincide with that which we would have arrived at in recommencing to investigate, for this new case, the analytical law of the phenomenon. The general theorem consists in this constant and necessary coincidence. Now, as yet, no one has succeeded in directly proving this; we have assured ourselves of it only by a great number of geometrical and mechanical verifications, which are, it is true, sufficiently multiplied, and especially sufficiently varied, to prevent any clear mind from having the least doubt of the exactitude and the generality of this essential property, but which, in a philosophical point of view, do not at all dispense with the research for so important an explanation. The extreme extent of the theorem must make us comprehend both the fundamental difficulties of this research and the high utility for the perfecting of mathematical science which would belong to the general conception of this great truth. This imperfection of theory, however, has not prevented geometers from making the most extensive and the most important use of this property in all parts of concrete mathematics.

It follows from the above general enunciation of the fact, independently of any demonstration, that the property of which we speak must never be applied to magnitudes whose directions are continually varying, without giving rise to a simple opposition of direction; in that case, the sign with which every result of calculation is necessarily affected is not susceptible of any concrete interpretation, and the attempts sometimes made to establish one are erroneous. This circumstance occurs, among other occasions, in the case of a radius vector in geometry, and diverging forces in mechanics.


A second general theorem on the relation of the concrete to the abstract is that which is ordinarily designated under the name of Principle of Homogeneity. It is undoubtedly much less important in its applications than the preceding, but it particularly merits our attention as having, by its nature, a still greater extent, since it is applicable to all phenomena without distinction, and because of the real utility which it often possesses for the verification of their analytical laws. I can, moreover, exhibit a direct and general demonstration of it which seems to me very simple. It is founded on this single observation, which is self-evident, that the exactitude of every relation between any concrete magnitudes whatsoever is independent of the value of the units to which they are referred for the purpose of expressing them in numbers. For example, the relation which exists between the three sides of a right-angled triangle is the same, whether they are measured by yards, or by miles, or by inches.

It follows from this general consideration, that every equation which expresses the analytical law of any phenomenon must possess this property of being in no way altered, when all the quantities which are found in it are made to undergo simultaneously the change corresponding to that which their respective units would experience. Now this change evidently consists in all the quantities of each sort becoming at once m times smaller, if the unit which corresponds to them becomes m times greater, or reciprocally. Thus every equation which represents any concrete relation whatever must possess this characteristic of remaining the same, when we make m times greater all the quantities which it contains, and which express the magnitudes between which the relation exists; excepting always the numbers which designate simply the mutual ratios of these different magnitudes, and which therefore remain invariable during the change of the units. It is this property which constitutes the law of Homogeneity in its most extended signification, that is, of whatever analytical functions the equations may be composed.

But most frequently we consider only the cases in which the functions are such as are called algebraic, and to which the idea of degree is applicable. In this case we can give more precision to the general proposition by determining the analytical character which must be necessarily presented by the equation, in order that this property may be verified. It is easy to see, then, that, by the modification just explained, all the terms of the first degree, whatever may be their form, rational or irrational, entire or fractional, will become m times greater; all those of the second degree, m2 times; those of the third, m3 times, &c. Thus the terms of the same degree, however different may be their composition, varying in the same manner, and the terms of different degrees varying in an unequal proportion, whatever similarity there may be in their composition, it will be necessary, to prevent the equation from being disturbed, that all the terms which it contains should be of the same degree. It is in this that properly consists the ordinary theorem of Homogeneity, and it is from this circumstance that the general law has derived its name, which, however, ceases to be exactly proper for all other functions.

In order to treat this subject in its whole extent, it is important to observe an essential condition, to which attention must be paid in applying this property when the phenomenon expressed by the equation presents magnitudes of different natures. Thus it may happen that the respective units are completely independent of each other, and then the theorem of Homogeneity will hold good, either with reference to all the corresponding classes of quantities, or with regard to only a single one or more of them. But it will happen on other occasions that the different units will have fixed relations to one another, determined by the nature of the question; then it will be necessary to pay attention to this subordination of the units in verifying the homogeneity, which will not exist any longer in a purely algebraic sense, and the precise form of which will vary according to the nature of the phenomena. Thus, for example, to fix our ideas, when, in the analytical expression of geometrical phenomena, we are considering at once lines, areas, and volumes, it will be necessary to observe that the three corresponding units are necessarily so connected with each other that, according to the subordination generally established in that respect, when the first becomes m times greater, the second becomes m2 times, and the third m3 times. It is with such a modification that homogeneity will exist in the equations, in which, if they are algebraic, we will have to estimate the degree of each term by doubling the exponents of the factors which correspond to areas, and tripling those of the factors relating to volumes.

Such are the principal general considerations relating to the Calculus of Direct Functions. We have now to pass to the philosophical examination of the Calculus of Indirect Functions, the much superior importance and extent of which claim a fuller development.


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