"To suffer sets a keen edge on what remains of the agreeable. This is a great truth that has to be learned in the fire." It was all so exactly as it should be—the love affair of Nancy and Raymond—that it lacked excitement. There was a moment when Doris and David Martin looked into each other's eyes and sadly smiled; but that was past as it came. "It's all right, Davey!" "Of course, Doris, and Bud wasn't in it after all. It was our desire—not his. He seems to feel he ought to be cheered for whooping the thing on; making Raymond jealous, you know." "Dear boy!" "Thanks, Doris. He is something worth while." Mrs. Tweksbury was so expansive in her happiness that she embarrassed Nancy. She fairly bounded over the fragrant garden of new love and scanned the wide pastures beyond. "Ken, if I can see children in this old house, I'll thank God and depart in peace. Say that you will come here, boy. You know I'm always scuttling overseas. I won't be in the way—but it is the one desire of my shrivelled old heart." "Aunt Emily, go slow and don't be ridiculous. The idea of your being in the way in your own house!" "Ken, make Nancy love me. I know I'm gnarled and crusty, but I need what she has to give all the more because of that. I have no pride—I want that girl's love so—that I'd—I'd humble myself." Raymond kissed her. "Has she told you of her—her sister—yet?" Mrs. Tweksbury asked. "Yes. Nancy says that until Joan, that's the name I believe, comes home she cannot leave Miss Fletcher. Nancy must not sacrifice herself." Raymond was quickly assuming the charms of ownership. "She always has been," snapped Mrs. Tweksbury, "an unconscious offering. Where is her gad-about sister?" "I forget—out West somewhere, I believe." "What is she doing?" "The Lord knows. I got a very disagreeable impression of her. I didn't do much questioning—Nancy was on the defensive. She adores her sister." "Bless the child! I have an unpleasant remembrance of the girl, too." Mrs. Tweksbury smiled grimly. "She was always a pert chit, and I believe she is like her disreputable father—you know about him, Ken?" "Yes—something. Miss Fletcher mentioned him—she says she wants to have a talk later on. But what do I care, Aunt Emily?" "I should rather like to know, myself." Mrs. Tweksbury sniffed scandal. "I never have been sure about him, but I know he was socially above reproach. If he personally went wrong it is deplorable, but, Ken, if he had his roots in good soil instead of mud, it isn't fatal." "Bosh! Aunt Emily." "Bosh! all you want to, boy. It's easy to bosh when you're on the safe side—but neither you nor I can afford to ignore the difference." "Nancy speaks for herself, Aunt Emily." "Yes, thank God, and redeems her father. Wait until you see the sister. She was a lovely, distracting imp—but with a queer twist. I shouldn't be surprised a bit if she needs a deal of explaining and excusing." But when Nancy's wonderful news reached Joan in the tiny Chicago home it made her very tender and wistful. "Think, Pat, of dear little Nan—going to be married. Married!" Patricia, who shared all Joan's letters, lighted a cigarette "There was a little woman, Joan stared. "My lamb, for this cause came Nancy and her kind into the world." "I don't understand, Pat." Joan's eyes were shining and misty. "Well, what on earth would you do with Nancy if you didn't marry her off? If she were homely she'd have to fill in chinks in other people's lives, but with her nice little basket of eggs, good looks, money, not too much wit, and a desire to please, she just naturally is put up for sale and off she goes!" "Pat, you are vulgar! Nancy is the finest, sweetest of girls. She would only marry for love." "Sure thing, my lamb. And she could make love out of—anything." Joan was thinking of Nancy's capacity for making truth. "Dear, little, sweet Nan," she whispered. "Just the right stuff out of which to make successful marriages. Who is the collector, Joan?" "Pat, you make me angry!" Joan really was hurt. "She doesn't tell me his name. She says——" here Joan referred to the letter; "'I am going to try and keep him until you come and see him. Joan, he is worth a trip from Chicago.'" "You are—going?" asked Patricia. "Pat—I am. Only for a visit, but suddenly I find myself crazy hungry for them all. "I'll be back in a couple of weeks; I'll only lose three lessons and surely, Pat, you'll forgive me if I desert you for that one glimpse of my darling Nan and her man?" "I suppose so. But, Joan, don't stay long. I know how the reformed drunkard feels when he's left to his lonesome. He doubts his reformation." "Pat!" Joan felt the tug of responsibility. The next night Patricia came home with a bedraggled little dog in her arms. "Where did you find that, Pat?" Joan paused in her task of getting dinner and fondled the absurd creature. "Oh! he was browsing along like a lost soul, sniffing to find—not a scent, I wager he never had one of his own, but a possible one. Out of all the mob, Joan, he chose me! He came up, nosed around my feet, and then whined delightedly—the old fraud! I picked him up and looked in his eyes—I know the look, Joan. He might be my never-had-brother, there is a family resemblance." "Pat, how silly." "No joking, lamb. I couldn't ignore the appeal—besides, he'll keep me straight while you are away." "Pat—come with me!" Joan bent over the dog, who already showed his preference for Patricia. "I cannot, Joan. The trade is growing—I am planning an exhibition. I'm ashamed to say it, but the business is getting into my gray matter. No—go to your duty, lamb—the pup and I will get acquainted and make up for lost time." And while Joan made preparations to go to New York, and while Doris and Nancy planned to make her visit a success, something occurred that changed all their lives. It was the epidemic of influenza. The shrouded and menacing Thing approached like the plague that it was to prove itself. It was no discerner of people; its area was limitless, it harvested whence it would and, while it was named, it was not understood. David Martin ordered Doris and Nancy out of town at once. "You may not escape," he said, "but your best chance is in the open. Besides, you'll leave us freer here." "But Joan—David!" "Joan be hanged! Can't she get to Ridge House?" "Of course. But I wanted to have her here to—to justify herself. Emily Tweksbury is trying to make a tragedy of Joan. I'm afraid Ken suspects her—his awful silences are insulting—I wanted to—to show her off." "Nonsense, Doris! But this is no time for squibbling. Scoot!" "But—you, David!" "I? Oh! I'm all right. Remember I have Bud. Why, the chap is pulling up his sleeves and baring his breast to the foe. I'm going to stand close by him." Martin's eyes shone. "David, if anything should happen to you——" Doris paused. "I'll run down now and then," Martin took the thin, delicate hands in his. "I'll come—when I feel tired." "You promise, David?" "I—swear it." So Doris took Nancy away. A tearful, woe-begone Nancy who clung to Raymond with the tenacity of a love that faces a desperate situation. "Beloved," whispered Raymond, "I'm going to get Aunt Emily out of the danger zone and then I'll come to you. If this Joan of yours has arrived—we'll be married, you and I, at once. We don't care for the society fizz. This epidemic makes you think about—taking joy while you can." "Yes, Ken—if—if Joan will stay with Aunt Dorrie." "Well, by heaven! She'll have to stay. I'm not going to let them cheat me!" To this Nancy gave a look that thrilled Raymond as he had never been thrilled before—it was supreme surrender. And presently in the stricken city gaiety and laughter seemed to die away in the black, swooping shadow. "When you use up all you know," Clive Cameron said one night to David, "you still keep hunting about for something else, don't you?" Martin nodded. Both men were worn and haggard. They were fighting in the front ranks with the men of their profession—fighting "The death rate is lower to-day, Bud. Hang to that!" "I do, Uncle Dave. If it still goes down, will you take a vacation?" "You are willing to go it alone, boy?" "Yes!" grimly. "I know I must." The two men relaxed and smoked peacefully, their feet stretched out to the fire. Their long day warranted this pause. They were strangely alike; strangely unlike. Occasionally their eyes met and then their lips smiled. They were friends. The blood tie was incidental. "You ought to be married, Clive." "Why, especially?" "A man should; a doctor especially. A wife and children are better to come home to than a pipe—and a housekeeper." "You managed to buck along, Uncle Dave." "Yes—buck along! I couldn't make up my mind to——" "I understand, Uncle Dave. Miss Fletcher is great stuff—she makes other women look cheap." "Bud, some women are like that." "I suppose so." Both men shook the ashes from their pipes—there was a night's work ahead. Martin stared at the young face opposite. It was a strong, kind face—a face waiting for the high waves to strike it. Martin seemed never to have known the boy, really, before. "Bud, suppose you never find your woman?" he asked, huskily. "All right, then I'll peg along with that much lacking. Oh! I know what you are thinking of, Uncle Dave. I've been through it—and turned it down! Ever since I can remember I've kept a grip on myself by remembering you!" "Good God, boy!" Martin choked; "I'm a poor model. At the best I've been—neutral." "Like hell you have!" irreverently ejaculated Cameron, pleasantly. "Why, Uncle Dave, you've got muscle all over you from fighting the demon in you, but you have no ugly Martin could not speak for a moment; he was looking ahead to the time when he'd have only this boy and his mother! "Well, what's up, Uncle Dave?" "Bud, have you suspected anything about Miss Fletcher? Her health, I mean?" "Yes. I've studied about her, too." "And kept quiet, eh?" "Sure! But, Uncle Davie, if we—" Martin blessed him for that "we"—"if we could get her outside of herself, it would do a lot for her. I've a hunch that you have let her get on the shelf. I wouldn't if I were you! I know it may be necessary to keep her to rules, but she thinks too much about the rules; they cramp her. When Nancy marries—what then?" "The Lord knows!" "Where's that other girl—Joan?" Martin's face hardened. "Living her life. Her life," he said. "Anything—dirty about it?" Cameron asked. "No. So far as I can find out, she's just taking what she calls her own." "Well, why shouldn't she, Uncle Dave? By all that's holy why shouldn't a woman have her own as well as a fellow? Just because she was born to petticoats doesn't mean that she's born to all the jobs men don't want." "There are certain things the world exacts of a woman, Bud." "What, for instance, Uncle Dave?" Martin considered. He was a just man, but he was prejudiced. "Self-sacrifice, for one thing!" "Who says so? Who benefits most by her self-sacrifice?" Cameron flushed as he rambled on. "We may split on this rock, Uncle," he blurted. "Think of my mother—I sort Having flared forth, Cameron laughed at his own fireworks. "Joan is selfish, Nancy quite the reverse." Martin's brows drew together. "Don't be an ass, Bud!" "What's this Joan doing?" "Thinking she's gifted," snapped Martin. "How is she to find out if she doesn't try? Is Miss Fletcher paying for the racket?" "No. That's the rub. The girl's paying for it herself. Smudging herself doing it, too. A woman can't escape the smudge." "Oh! well"—Cameron was tiring of it all—"it's when the smudge sticks that counts. If it is only skin deep, it doesn't matter." "But—a woman, Bud—well, skin matters in a woman." "Who says so? Oh! chuck it, Uncle Dave. Which shall it be—bed for an hour or a rarebit at Tumbles and then—on to the fight?" "What time is it?" "Eleven-thirty." "Bud, let us have another look at our salvage before we choose; if we find them sleeping, we'll take the rarebit as a recompense for a night's sleep." And together they went out into the night. Two tired men who had done a stiff day's work—but felt that they must make sure before they sought rest for themselves. And Joan and Patricia faced the epidemic as so many of the young did—nothing really could happen to them, they believed—and Chicago was not paying so heavy a toll. "We'll take a little extra care with food and sleep and wet "And, Joan," Patricia said, laughingly, "keep your mouth shut in the street!" The four little rooms were sunshiny and warm; Joan sang hour by hour; worked at her music and "made the home," while Patricia kept to her rigid hours and designed marvellous things in which other women revelled. Since Nancy had gone South and her beloved was absent, Joan felt that her duty was to Patricia. Without being able to classify her feeling she clung to Patricia with a nameless anxiety. She taught the little dog to fetch Patricia's slippers to the living-room fire; she always had dinner ready when, tired and frail, Patricia appeared with that glad light in her eyes. "You act as if I, not you, were going away, my lamb," Patricia often said; "but you are a blessing! And Cuff"—she leaned down and gathered the small, quivering dog in her arms—"and Cuff runs you a close second." Cuff wagged his stubby tail excitedly. He was a proud creature, a proof of what could be done with a bad job, and he had all the snobbishness that is acquired, not bred in the bone. He slept on the foot of Patricia's bed and forgot back alleys. He selected tidbits with the air of one who knew not garbage cans, but he redeemed all shortcomings by his faithful love to her who had rescued him. The melting brown eyes found their highest joy in Patricia's approval, and a harsh word from her brought his diminutive tail between his legs for an hour. It was April when Patricia came up the stairs, one night, laggingly. Cuff was on the landing with his token of devotion. The girl picked him up, kissed his smooth body and went on, more slowly. Joan had the table set for the dainty dinner by the broad western window. She turned when Patricia entered. "What's the matter, Pat?" she asked. "Nothing, only Cuff is growing heavy." "Are you tired?" "Not a bit. What a wonder you are, Joan! That table is a dream with those daffodils in the green bowl. Old Syl was right—you put the punch in home!" "There's chicken to-night, Pat. I plunged on the strength of what my Professor said to-day." There were times when Joan wondered if Patricia was not insisting upon home more for her sake than her own. "What did she say, Joan?" "That next winter I might—sing!" "Bully! But you sing now—like several kinds of seraphs. Warble while I make ready for dinner, Joan." So Joan sang as she flitted from kitchen to dining room. "I'll take the high road and you take the low road she rippled, and Patricia joined in: "I'll get to Scotland before you!" Then she said, from the bedroom beyond: "I know what it is in your singing that gets us, Joan. It's the whole lot more than words can express." "Of course! That's high art, Pat! Come on, dearie-thing, you must carve." "Now, Scotland"—Patricia issued forth in a lovely gown and Joan dropped her long apron and appeared a happy reflection of Patricia's magnificence—"Scotland stands for everything your soul wants when you sing. Not a place—but—everything." "Yes. That's what I feel," Joan replied, quite seriously. Patricia did not eat much that evening, but she gave the impression that she was doing so. The girls always disposed of the dishes, after dinner, in a wizard-like manner. They disappeared until morning—and no questions were asked! Then, when the meal was over this night, Patricia flung "You are tired, Pat. Was it a hard day?" Joan came wistfully to the couch. "No, not hard, only bracing. They're going to raise me in the summer, Joan. We'll be fat and lazy next winter—and just think: the summer in The Gap lies between!" For that was what Joan's deferred visit had resolved itself into. "Pat, your cheeks are—red!" "Joan, don't be silly. I touched them up. I never could see the difference between rouge and dyes and powder and false teeth! They're all aimed at the same thing—and it isn't mastication, either. It's how you handle the aids to beauty." "Dear, funny, pretty old Pat!" "Joan, go and sing!" That night Cuff was dreaming the old haunting dream about waking up in the gutter when something startled him. It was a very soft call. "Come up here, Cuff, I want you—close!" Cuff needed no second invitation! But the closer he got the more nervous he became. "Cuff, look at me!" Cuff looked. "Cuff—once—you wouldn't have looked!" Cuff denied this by a vigorous whack of his stumpy tail. There were a few minutes more during which Patricia said some very remarkable things about being glad that children and dogs could look at her; and that Joan felt happy with her, and that love had something to say for itself if you didn't wrong it, and then Cuff voluntarily jumped from the bed and scampered into Joan's room. Joan was sleeping and Cuff had to tug rather savagely at her sleeve before he attracted her attention. But when Joan was awake every sense was alert. "What's the matter?" she asked, but while she was speaking she was on her way to Patricia's room. Patricia was tossing about and laughing gently; she was insisting that she was going up the Climbing Way and that It was only three days for Patricia and she never realized the truth for herself. A nurse, a weary but faithful doctor, and Joan kept her company on the Climbing Way which got easier toward the top. "You take the high road and I'll take the low road It was Patricia who sang, not Joan, and then she laughed gaily. "I bet I will beat you out, Joan—but it wasn't—Scotland, you know it—was—home!" Just before the top was reached Patricia grew quiet and grave. She clung to Joan with one hand and patted Cuff with the other. "I think," she whispered, "that when dogs and little children can look you in the eye, God can!" She did not speak much after that—but she sang in fragments, hummed when very tired, and murmured—"Nice little old Joan and Cuff," just before she reached—home! It was all so crushingly sudden that Joan was dazed and could not feel at all. Fortunately, the nurse arranged to stay with her for a week, and the doctor acted, through all his burdened days, as if an extra load was really a comfort to him. He asked Joan what steps he should take about Patricia, and Joan stared at him. "You see, Pat just belonged to me," she explained; "and—and well! must I decide anything just now?" "I think we must—about the body—you know!" The doctor felt his heart beat quicker as he gazed into the wide, tearless eyes. "The—the body? Oh! I see what you mean. I—I was going to take Pat home next summer; this summer—but——" "Perhaps we can arrange to have the body remain here in Chicago until you make plans." "Oh! if you only could." Joan looked her gratitude. And so Patricia Leigh was laid to rest in the vault of strangers until the girl who had loved her could realize the thing that had overtaken her. In the lonely rooms the empty stillness acted like a drug upon Joan. She mechanically performed the small services she used to perform so gladly for Patricia. She held Cuff in her arms as she repeated: "It cannot be, Cuff, dear, it cannot! Such a terrible thing couldn't happen—not without warning. She will come back; she will, Cuff—please don't look so sad!" It was three weeks after Patricia went that Cuff met Joan as she entered the room—with Patricia's slippers which he had found where Joan had hidden them! The sight of the pathetic little figure touched something in Joan and it sprang to hurting, suffering life. For hours the girl wept in the dark rooms. She begged for death; anything to dull forever the pain that she could not understand. But the grief saved her and she began to think for herself, since no one was there to think for her. The city was full of sickness and death. Those who could, must do for themselves. Joan had not written home; she wondered what she had done in all the ages since Pat went. All Patricia's small affairs were in order. Her money and Joan's were banked under both names, and the dreary little home was but an empty shell. "I've failed—utterly," the girl sobbed over Cuff in her arms; "I told Aunt Dorrie when I found that out—I would go to her." So Joan sold the furniture and sublet the rooms; she paid her small debts and promised her music teacher that she would continue her work in New York. Then she turned wearily, aimlessly—homeward, with Cuff in her arms. |