The references are to section numbers. - Absorption of starlight, 225.
- Absorption spectra, 87.
- Accelerating force, 35.
- Adjustment of observations, 2.
- Albedo of moon, 97.
- Algol, 205.
- Altitudes, 4, 21.
- Andromeda nebula, 214.
- Angles, measurement of, 2.
- Angular diameter, 7.
- Annular eclipse, 64.
- Asteroids, 156.
- Atmosphere of the earth, 49.
- of the moon, 103.
- of Jupiter, 139.
- of Mars, 153.
- Aurora, 51.
- Azimuth, 5, 21.
- Biela's comet, 181.
- Bode's law, 134, 232.
- Bredichin's theory of comet tails, 180.
- Calendar, O.S. and N.S., 61.
- Capture of comets and meteors, 176.
- Canals of Mars, 154.
- Celestial mechanics, 32.
- Changes upon the moon, 108.
- Chemical constitution of sun, 116.
- Chromosphere, the sun's, 124.
- Chronology, 59.
- Classification of stars, 212.
- Clocks and watches, 74.
- Collisions with comets, 183.
- Colors of stars, 209.
- Comets, general characteristics, 158-164.
- Comets and meteors, relation of, 175.
- Conic sections, 38.
- Constellations, 184.
- Corona, the sun's, 123.
- Craters, lunar, 105.
- Dark stars, 201.
- Day, 52, 62.
- Declination, 21.
- Development of comet, 179.
- Distribution of stars and nebulÆ, 220.
- Diurnal motion, 10, 15.
- Doppler principle, 89.
- Double nebulÆ, 215.
- Double stars, 198.
- Driving clock, 80.
- Earth, atmosphere, 48.
- mass, 45.
- size and shape, 44.
- warming of the earth, 47.
- Eclipses, nature of, 63.
- annular eclipse, 64.
- eclipse limits, 68.
- eclipse maps, 70, 71.
- number of, in a year, 69.
- partial eclipse, 64.
- prediction of, 70, 71.
- recurrence of, 72.
- shadow cone, 64, 66.
- total eclipse, 64.
- uses of, 73.
- Eclipses of Jupiter's satellites, 141.
- Eclipse theory of variable stars, 205.
- Ecliptic, 26.
- Ellipse, 33.
- Epochs for planetary motion, 30.
- Energy, radiant, 75.
- Epicycle, 32.
- Equation of time, 53.
- Equator, 16, 21.
- Equatorial mounting, 80.
- Equinoxes, 25.
- Ether, 75.
- Evening star, 31.
- FaculÆ, 122.
- Falling bodies, law of, 35.
- Finding the stars, 14.
- Fraunhofer lines, 87.
- Galaxy, 219.
- Geography of the sky, 16.
- Graphical representation, 6.
- Grating, diffraction, 84.
- Gravitation, law of, 37.
- Harvest moon, 93.
- Heat of the sun, 118, 126.
- Helmholtz, contraction theory of the sun, 126, 228.
- Horizon, 4, 21.
- Hour angle, 21.
- Hour circle, 21.
- Hyperbola, 38.
- Japetus, satellite of Saturn, 145.
- Jupiter, 136.
- atmosphere, 139.
- belts, 137.
- invisible from fixed stars, 197.
- orbit of, 29.
- physical condition, 139.
- rotation and flattening, 138.
- satellites, 140.
- surface markings, 137.
- Kepler's laws, 33, 111.
- Latitude, determination of, 18.
- Leap year, 61.
- Lenses, 77.
- Leonid meteor shower, 172.
- Librations of moon, 98.
- Life upon the planets, 157.
- Light curves, 205.
- Light, nature of, 75.
- Light year, 190.
- Limits of eclipses, 68.
- Longitude, 56.
- Lunation, 60.
- Magnifying power of telescope, 79.
- Magnitude, stellar, 9, 186.
- Mars, atmosphere, temperature, 150.
- canals, 154.
- orbit, 30.
- polar caps, 152.
- rotation, 151.
- satellites, 155.
- surface markings, 150.
- Mass, determination of, 37.
- of comets, 164.
- of double stars, 200.
- of moon, 94.
- of planets, 40, 133.
- Measurements, accurate, 1.
- Mercury, 149.
- motion of its perihelion, 43.
- orbit of, 30.
- Meridian, 19, 21.
- Meteors, nature of, 165, 169.
- number of, 167.
- velocity, 170.
- Meteors and comets, relation of, 175.
- Meteor showers, radiant, 171.
- Leonids, capture of, 172, 173.
- perturbations, 174.
- Milky Way, 219.
- Mira, ?Ceti, 204.
- Mirrors, 77.
- Month, 60.
- Moon, 91.
- albedo, 97.
- atmosphere, 103.
- changes in, 108.
- density, surface gravity, 95.
- development of, 241.
- harvest moon, 93.
- influence upon the earth, 109, 233.
- librations, 98.
- map of, 101.
- mass and size, 94.
- motion, 24, 92.
- mountains and craters, 104.
- phases, 91, 92.
- physical condition, 100, 107.
- Month, 60.
- Morning star, 31.
- Motion in line of sight, 89, 193.
- Multiple stars, 202.
- Names of stars, 8.
- NebulÆ, 214.
- density, 217.
- development of, 245.
- motion, 218.
- spectra, 216.
- types and classes of, 215.
- Nebular hypothesis, 230.
- Neptune, 146.
- Newton's laws of motion, 34.
- law of gravitation, 37, 43.
- Nodes, 39.
- relation to eclipses, 67, 71.
- Nucleus, of comet, 160.
- Objective, of telescope, 78.
- Obliquity of ecliptic, 25.
- Observations, of stars, 10.
- Occultation of stars, 103.
- Orbits, of comets, 161.
- of double stars, 199.
- of moon, 92.
- of planets, 28.
- Orion nebula, 215.
- Parabola, 35, 38, 161.
- Parabolic velocity, 38.
- Parallax, 114, 188.
- Penumbra, 64, 121.
- Perihelion, 38.
- Periodic comets, 176.
- Personal equation, 82.
- Perturbations, 39.
- Phases, of the moon, 91, 92.
- Photography, 81.
- Photosphere, of sun, 121.
- Planets, 26, 133.
- distances from the sun, 134.
- how to find, 29.
- mass, density, size, 133.
- motion of, 27, 38.
- periodic times of, 30.
- Planetary nebulÆ, 215.
- Pleiades, 16, 215.
- Plumb-line apparatus, 11, 18.
- Poles, 21.
- Precession, 46.
- Prisms, 84.
- Problem of three bodies, 39.
- Prominences, solar, 125.
- Proper motions, 191.
- Protractor, 2.
- Ptolemaic system, 32.
- Radiant energy, 75.
- Radiant, of meteor shower, 171.
- Radius victor, 33.
- Reference lines and circles, 17.
- Refraction, 50.
- Right ascension, 16, 20, 21.
- Roche's limit, 239.
- Rotation, of earth, 55.
- Saros, 72.
- Satellites, of Jupiter, 136, 140.
- Saturn, 142.