91. Results of observation with the unaided eye.—The student who has made the observations of the moon which are indicated in ChapterIII has in hand data from which much may be learned about the earth's satellite. Perhaps the most striking feature brought out by them is the motion of the moon among the stars, always from west toward east, accompanied by that endless series of changes in shape and brightness—new moon, first quarter, full moon, etc.—whose successive stages we represent by the words, the phase of the moon. From his own observation the student should be able to verify, at least approximately, the following statements, although the degree of numerical precision contained in some of them can be reached only by more elaborate apparatus and longer study than he has given to the subject:
A. The phase of the moon depends upon the distance apart of sun and moon in the sky, new moon coming when they are together, and full moon when they are as far apart as possible.
B. The moon is essentially a round, dark body, giving off no light of its own, but shining solely by reflected sunlight. The proof of this is that whenever we see a part of the moon which is turned away from the sun it looks dark—e.g., at new moon, sun and moon are in nearly the same direction from us and we see little or nothing of the moon, since the side upon which the sun shines is turned away from us. At full moon the earth is in line between sun and moon, and we see, round and bright, the face upon which the sun shines. At other phases, such as the quarters, the moon turns toward the earth a part of its night hemisphere and a part of its day hemisphere, but in general only that part which belongs to the day side of the moon is visible and the peculiar curved line which forms the boundary—the "ragged edge," or terminator, as it is called, is the dividing line between day and night upon the moon.
A partial exception to what precedes is found for a few days after new moon when the moon and sun are not very far apart in the sky, for then the whole round disk of the moon may often be seen, a small part of it brightly illuminated by the sun and the larger part feebly illuminated by sunlight which fell first upon the earth and was by it reflected back to the moon, giving the pleasing effect which is sometimes called the old moon in the new moon's arms. The new moon—i.e., the part illumined by the sun—usually appears to belong to a sphere of larger radius than the old moon, but this is purely a trick played by the eyes of the observer, and the effect disappears altogether in a telescope. Is there any similar effect in the few days before new moon?
C. The moon makes the circuit of the sky from a given star around to the same star again in a little more than 27 days (27.32166), but the interval between successive new moons—i.e., from the sun around to the sun again—is more than 29 days (29.53059). This last interval, which is called a lunar month or synodical month, indicates what we have learned before—that the sun has changed its place among the stars during the month, so that it takes the moon an extra two days to overtake him after having made the circuit of the sky, just as it takes the minute hand of a clock an extra 5 minutes to catch up with the hour hand after having made a complete circuit of the dial.
D. Wherever the moon may be in the sky, it turns always the same face toward the earth, as is shown by the fact that the dark markings which appear on its surface stand always upon (nearly) the same part of its disk. It does not always turn the same face toward the sun, for the boundary line between the illumined and unillumined parts of the moon shifts from one side to the other as the phase changes, dividing at each moment day from night upon the moon and illustrating by its slow progress that upon the moon the day and the month are of equal length (29.5 terrestrial days), instead of being time units of different lengths as with us.
Fig. 53.—Motion of moon and earth relative to the sun. Fig. 53.—Motion of moon and earth relative to the sun.
92. The moon's motion.—The student should compare the results of his own observations, as well as the preceding section, with Fig.53, in which the lines with dates printed on them are all supposed to radiate from the sun and to represent the direction from the sun of earth and moon upon the given dates which are arbitrarily assumed for the sake of illustration, any other set would do equally well. The black dots, small and large, represent the moon revolving about the earth, but having the circular path shown in Fig.34 (ellipse) transformed by the earth's forward motion into the peculiar sinuous line here shown. With respect to both earth and sun, the moon's orbit deviates but little from a circle, since the sinuous curve of Fig.53 follows very closely the earth's orbit around the sun and is almost identical with it. For clearness of representation the distance between earth and moon in the figure has been made ten times too great, and to get a proper idea of the moon's orbit with reference to the sun, we must suppose the moon moved up toward the earth until its distance from the line of the earth's orbit is only a tenth part of what it is in the figure. When this is done, the moon's path becomes almost indistinguishable from that of the earth, as may be seen in the figure, where the attempt has been made to show both lines, and it is to be especially noted that this real orbit of the moon is everywhere concave toward the sun.
The phase presented by the moon at different parts of its path is indicated by the row of circles at the right, and the student should show why a new moon is associated with June 30th and a full moon with July 15th, etc. What was the date of first quarter? Third quarter?
We may find in Fig.53 another effect of the same kind as that noted above inC. Between noon, June 30th, and noon, July 3d, the earth makes upon its axis three complete revolutions with respect to the sun, but the meridian which points toward the moon at noon on June 30th will not point toward it at noon on July 3d, since the moon has moved into a new position and is now 37° away from the meridian. Verify this statement by measuring, in Fig.53, with the protractor, the moon's angular distance from the meridian at noon on July 3d. When will the meridian overtake the moon?93. Harvest moon.—The interval between two successive transits of the meridian past the moon is called a lunar day, and the student should show from the figure that on the average a lunar day is 51 minutes longer than a solar day—i.e., upon the average each day the moon comes to the meridian 51 minutes of solar time later than on the day before. It is also true that on the average the moon rises and sets 51 minutes later each day than on the day before. But there is a good deal of irregularity in the retardation of the time of moonrise and moonset, since the time of rising depends largely upon the particular point of the horizon at which the moon appears, and between two days this point may change so much on account of the moon's orbital motion as to make the retardation considerably greater or less than its average value. In northern latitudes this effect is particularly marked in the month of September, when the eastern horizon is nearly parallel with the moon's apparent path in the sky, and near the time of full moon in that month the moon rises on several successive nights at nearly the same hour, and in less degree the same is true for October. This highly convenient arrangement of moonlight has caused the full moons of these two months to be christened respectively the Harvest Moon and the Hunter's Moon.94. Size and mass of the moon.—It has been shown in ChapterI how the distance of the moon from the earth may be measured and its diameter determined by means of angles, and without enlarging upon the details of these observations, we note as their result that the moon is a globe 2,163 miles in diameter, and distant from the earth on the average about 240,000 miles. But, as we have seen in ChapterVII, this distance changes to the extent of a few thousand miles, sometimes less, sometimes greater, mainly on account of the elliptic shape of the moon's orbit about the earth, but also in part from the disturbing influence of other bodies, such as the sun, which pull the moon to and fro, backward and forward, to quite an appreciable extent.
From the known diameter of the moon it is a matter of elementary geometry to derive in miles the area of its surface and its volume or solid contents. Leaving this as an exercise for the student, we adopt the earth as the standard of comparison and find that the diameter of the moon is rather more than a quarter, 4/15, that of the earth, the area of its surface is a trifle more than 1/14 that of the earth, and its volume a little more than 1/49 of the earth's. So much is pure geometry, but we may combine with it some mechanical principles which enable us to go a step farther and to "weigh" the moon—i.e., determine its mass and the average density of the material of which it is made.
We have seen that the moon moves around the sun in a path differing but little from the smooth curve shown in Fig.53, with arrows indicating the direction of motion, and it would follow absolutely such a smooth path were it not for the attraction of the earth, and in less degree of some of the other planets, which swing it about first to one side then to the other. But action and reaction are equal; the moon pulls as strongly upon the earth as does the earth upon the moon, and if earth and moon were of equal mass, the deviation of the earth from the smooth curve in the figure would be just as large as that of the moon. It is shown in the figure that the moon does displace the earth from this curve, and we have only to measure the amount of this displacement of the earth and compare it with the displacement suffered by the moon to find how much the mass of the one exceeds that of the other. It may be seen from the figure that at first quarter, about July 7th, the earth is thrust ahead in the direction of its orbital motion, while at the third quarter, July 22d, it is pulled back by the action of the moon, and at all times it is more or less displaced by this action, so that, in order to be strictly correct, we must amend our former statement about the moon moving around the earth and make it read, Both earth and moon revolve around a point on line between their centers. This point is called their center of gravity, and the earth and the moon both move in ellipses having this center of gravity at their common focus. Compare this with Kepler's First Law. These ellipses are similarly shaped, but of very different size, corresponding to Newton's third law of motion (ChapterIV), so that the action of the earth in causing the small moon to move around a large orbit is just equal to the reaction of the moon in causing the larger earth to move in the smaller orbit. This is equivalent to saying that the dimensions of the two orbits are inversely proportional to the masses of the earth and the moon.
By observing throughout the month the direction from the earth to the sun or to a near planet, such as Mars or Venus, astronomers have determined that the diameter of the ellipse in which the earth moves is about 5,850 miles, so that the distance of the earth from the center of gravity is 2,925 miles, and the distance of the moon from it is 240,000-2,925 =237,075. We may now write in the form of a proportion—
Mass of earth : Mass of moon :: 237,075 : 2,925,
and find from it that the mass of the earth is 81 times as great as the mass of the moon—i.e., leaving kind and quality out of account, there is enough material in the earth to make 81 moons. We may note in this connection that the diameter of the earth, 7,926 miles, is greater than the diameter of the monthly orbit in which the moon causes it to move, and therefore the center of gravity of earth and moon always lies inside the body of the earth, about 1,000 miles below the surface.95. Density of the moon.—It is believed that in a general way the moon is made of much the same kind of material which goes to make up the earth—metals, minerals, rocks, etc.—and a part of the evidence upon which this belief is based lies in the density of the moon. By density of a substance we mean the amount of it which is contained in a given volume—i.e., the weight of a bushel or a cubic centimeter of the stuff. The density of chalk is twice as great as the density of water, because a cubic centimeter of chalk weighs twice as much as an equal volume of water, and similarly in other cases the density is found by dividing the mass or weight of the body by the mass or weight of an equal volume of water.
We know the mass of the earth (§45), and knowing the mass of a cubic foot of water, it is easy, although a trifle tedious, to compute what would be the mass of a volume of water equal in size to the earth. The quotient obtained by dividing one of these masses by the other (mass of earth÷mass of water) is the average density of the material composing the earth, and we find numerically that this is 5.6—i.e., it would take 5.6 water earths to attract as strongly as does the real one. From direct experiment we know that the average density of the principal rocks which make up the crust of the earth is only about half of this, showing that the deep-lying central parts of the earth are denser than the surface parts, as we should expect them to be, because they have to bear the weight of all that lies above them and are compressed by it.
Turning now to the moon, we find in the same way as for the earth that its average density is 3.4 as great as that of water.96. Force of gravity upon the moon.—This number, 3.4, compared with the 5.6 which we found for the earth, shows that on the whole the moon is made of lighter stuff than is the body of the earth, and this again is much what we should expect to find, for weight, the force which tends to compress the substance of the moon, is less there than here. The weight of a cubic yard of rock at the surface of either earth or moon is the force with which the earth or moon attracts it, and this by the law of gravitation is for the earth—
W = k · (m m')/(3963)2;
and for the moon—
w = k · {m (m'/81)}/(1081)2;
from which we find by division—
w = (W/81) (3963/1081)2 = W/6 (approximately).
The cubic yard of rock, which upon the earth weighs two tons, would, if transported to the moon, weigh only one third of a ton, and would have only one sixth as much influence in compressing the rocks below it as it had upon the earth. Note that this rock when transported to the moon would be still attracted by the earth and would have weight toward the earth, but it is not this of which we are speaking; by its weight in the moon we mean the force with which the moon attracts it. Making due allowance for the difference in compression produced by weight, we may say that in general, so far as density goes, the moon is very like a piece of the earth of equal mass set off by itself alone.97. Albedo.—In another respect the lunar stuff is like that of which the earth is made: it reflects the sunlight in much the same way and to the same amount. The contrast of light and dark areas on the moon's surface shows, as we shall see in another section, the presence of different substances upon the moon which reflect the sunlight in different degrees. This capacity for reflecting a greater or less percentage of the incident sunlight is called albedo (Latin, whiteness), and the brilliancy of the full moon might lead one to suppose that its albedo is very great, like that of snow or those masses of summer cloud which we call thunderheads. But this is only an effect of contrast with the dark background of the sky. The same moon by day looks pale, and its albedo is, in fact, not very different from that of our common rocks—weather-beaten sandstone according to Sir John Herschel—so that it would be possible to build an artificial moon of rock or brick which would shine in the sunlight much as does the real moon.
The effect produced by the differences of albedo upon the moon's face is commonly called the "man in the moon," but, like the images presented by glowing coals, the face in the moon is anything which we choose to make it. Among the Chinese it is said to be a monkey pounding rice; in India, a rabbit; in Persia, the earth reflected as in a mirror, etc.98. Librations.—We have already learned that the moon turns always the same face toward the earth, and we have now to modify this statement and to find that here, as in so many other cases, the thing we learn first is only approximately true and needs to be limited or added to or modified in some way. In general, Nature is too complex to be completely understood at first sight or to be perfectly represented by a simple statement. In Fig.55 we have two photographs of the moon, taken nearly three years apart, the right-hand one a little after first quarter and the left-hand one a little before third quarter. They therefore represent different parts of the moon's surface, but along the ragged edge the same region is shown on both photographs, and features common to both pictures may readily be found—e.g., the three rings which form a right-angled triangle about one third of the way down from the top of the cut, and the curved mountain chain just below these. If the moon turned exactly the same face toward us in the two pictures, the distance of any one of these markings from any part of the moon's edge must be the same in both pictures; but careful measurement will show that this is not the case, and that in the left-hand picture the upper edge of the moon is tipped toward us and the lower edge away from us, as if the whole moon had been rotated slightly about a horizontal line and must be turned back a little (about7°) in order to match perfectly the other part of the picture.
This turning is called a libration, and it should be borne in mind that the moon librates not only in the direction above measured, north and south, but also at right angles to this, east and west, so that we are able to see a little farther around every part of the moon's edge than would be possible if it turned toward us at all times exactly the same face. But in spite of the librations there remains on the farther side of the moon an area of 6,000,000 square miles which is forever hidden from us, and of whose character we have no direct knowledge, although there is no reason to suppose it very different from that which is visible, despite the fact that some of the books contain quaint speculations to the contrary. The continent of South America is just about equal in extent to this unknown region, while North America is a fair equivalent for all the rest of the moon's surface, both those central parts which are constantly visible, and the zone around the edge whose parts sometimes come into sight and are sometimes hidden.
An interesting consequence of the peculiar rotation of the moon is that from our side of it the earth is always visible. Sun, stars, and planets rise and set there as well as here, but to an observer on the moon the earth swings always overhead, shifting its position a few degrees one way or the other on account of the libration but running through its succession of phases, new earth, first quarter, etc., without ever going below the horizon, provided the observer is anywhere near the center of the moon's disk.
Fig. 54.—Illustrating the moon's rotation. Fig. 54.—Illustrating the moon's rotation.
99. Cause of librations.—That the moon should librate is by no means so remarkable a fact as that it should at all times turn very nearly the same face toward the earth. This latter fact can have but one meaning: the moon revolves about an axis as does the earth, but the time required for this revolution is just equal to the time required to make a revolution in its orbit. Place two coins upon a table with their heads turned toward the north, as in Fig.54, and move the smaller one around the larger in such a way that its face shall always look away from the larger one. In making one revolution in its orbit the head on this small coin will be successively directed toward every point of the compass, and when it returns to its initial position the small coin will have made just one revolution about an axis perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. In no other way can it be made to face always away from the figure at the center of its orbit while moving around it.
We are now in a position to understand the moon's librations, for, if the small coin at any time moves faster or slower in its orbit than it turns about its axis, a new side will be turned toward the center, and the same may happen if the central coin itself shifts into a new position. This is what happens to the moon, for its orbital motion, like that of Mercury (Fig.17), is alternately fast and slow, and in addition to this there are present other minor influences, such as the fact that its rotation axis is not exactly perpendicular to the plane of its orbit; in addition to this the observer upon the earth is daily carried by its rotation from one point of view to another, etc., so that it is only in a general way that the rotation upon the axis and motion in the orbit keep pace with each other. In a general way a cable keeps a ship anchored in the same place, although wind and waves may cause it to "librate" about the anchor.
How the moon came to have this exact equality between its times of revolution and rotation constitutes a chapter of its history upon which we shall not now enter; but the equality having once been established, the mechanism by which it is preserved is simple enough.
The attraction of the earth for the moon has very slightly pulled the latter out of shape (§42), so that the particular diameter, which points toward the earth, is a little longer than any other, and thus serves as a handle which the earth lays hold of and pulls down into its lowest possible position—i.e., the position in which it points toward the center of the earth. Just how long this handle is, remains unknown, but it may be shown from the law of gravitation that less than a hundred yards of elongation would suffice for the work it has to do.100. The moon as a world.—Thus far we have considered the moon as a satellite of the earth, dependent upon the earth, and interesting chiefly because of its relation to it. But the moon is something more than this; it is a world in itself, very different from the earth, although not wholly unlike it. The most characteristic feature of the earth's surface is its division into land and water, and nothing of this kind can be found upon the moon. It is true that the first generation of astronomers who studied the moon with telescopes fancied that the large dark patches shown in Fig.55 were bodies of water, and named them oceans, seas, lakes, and ponds, and to the present day we keep those names, although it is long since recognized that these parts of the moon's surface are as dry as any other. Their dark appearance indicates a different kind of material from that composing the lighter parts of the moon, material with a different albedo, just as upon the earth we have light-colored and dark-colored rocks, marble and slate, which seen from the moon must present similar contrasts of brightness. Although these dark patches are almost the only features distinguishable with the unaided eye, it is far otherwise in the telescope or the photograph, especially along the ragged edge where great numbers of rings can be seen, which are apparently depressions in the moon and are called craters. These we find in great number all over the moon, but, as the figure shows, they are seen to the best advantage near the terminator—i.e., the dividing line between day and night, since the long shadows cast here by the rising or setting sun bring out the details of the surface better than elsewhere. Carefully examine Fig.55 with reference to these features.
Another feature which exists upon both earth and moon, although far less common there than here, is illustrated in the chain of mountains visible near the terminator, a little above the center of the moon in both parts of Fig.55. This particular range of mountains, which is called the Lunar Apennines, is by far the most prominent one upon the moon, although others, the Alps and Caucasus, exist. But for the most part the lunar mountains stand alone, each by itself, instead of being grouped into ranges, as on the earth. Note in the figure that some of the lunar mountains stretch out into the night side of the moon, their peaks projecting up into the sunlight, and thus becoming visible, while the lowlands are buried in the shadow.
A subordinate feature of the moon's surface is the system of rays which seem to radiate like spokes from some of the larger craters, extending over hill and valley sometimes for hundreds of miles. A suggestion of these rays may be seen in Fig.55, extending from the great crater Copernicus a little southwest of the end of the Apennines, but their most perfect development is to be seen at the time of full moon around the crater Tycho, which lies near the south pole of the moon. Look for them with an opera glass.
Another and even less conspicuous feature is furnished by the rills, which, under favorable conditions of illumination, appear like long cracks on the moon's surface, perhaps analogous to the caÑons of our Western country.101. The map of the moon.—Fig.55 furnishes a fairly good map of a limited portion of the moon near the terminator, but at the edges little or no detail can be seen. This is always true; the whole of the moon can not be seen to advantage at any one time, and to remedy this we need to construct from many photographs or drawings a map which shall represent the several parts of the moon as they appear at their best. Fig.56 shows such a map photographed from a relief model of the moon, and representing the principal features of the lunar surface in a way they can never be seen simultaneously. Perhaps its most striking feature is the shape of the craters, which are shown round in the central parts of the map and oval at the edges, with their long diameters parallel to the moon's edge. This is, of course, an effect of the curvature of the moon's surface, for we look very obliquely at the edge portions, and thus see their formations much foreshortened in the direction of the moon's radius.
The north and south poles of the moon are at the top and bottom of the map respectively, and a mere inspection of the regions around them will show how much more rugged is the southern hemisphere of the moon than the northern. It furnishes, too, some indication of how numerous are the lunar craters, and how in crowded regions they overlap one another.
The student should pick out upon the map those features which he has learned to know in the photograph (Fig.55)—the Apennines, Copernicus, and the continuation of the Apennines, extending into the dark part of the moon.
102. Size of the lunar features.—We may measure distances here in the same way as upon a terrestrial map, remembering that near the edges the scale of the map is very much distorted parallel to the moon's diameter, and measurements must not be taken in this direction, but may be taken parallel to the edge. Measuring with a millimeter scale, we find on the map for the diameter of the crater Copernicus, 2.1 millimeters. To turn this into the diameter of the real Copernicus in miles, we measure upon the same map the diameter of the moon, 79.7 millimeters, and then have the proportion—
Diameter of Copernicus in miles : 2,163 :: 2.1 : 79.7,
which when solved gives 57 miles. The real diameter of Copernicus is a trifle over 56 miles. At the eastern edge of the moon, opposite the Apennines, is a large oval spot called the Mare Crisium (Latin, ma-re =sea). Measure its length. The large crater to the northwest of the Apennines is called Archimedes. Measure its diameter both in the map and in the photograph (Fig.55), and see how the two results agree. The true diameter of this crater, east and west, is very approximately 50 miles. The great smooth surface to the west of Archimedes is the Mare Imbrium. Is it larger or smaller than Lake Superior? Fig.57 is from a photograph of the Mare Imbrium, and the amount of detail here shown at the bottom of the sea is a sufficient indication that, in this case at least, the water has been drawn off, if indeed any was ever present.
Fig.58 is a representation of the Mare Crisium at a time when night was beginning to encroach upon its eastern border, and it serves well to show the rugged character of the ring-shaped wall which incloses this area.
With these pictures of the smoother parts of the moon's surface we may compare Fig.59, which shows a region near the north pole of the moon, and Fig.60, giving an early morning view of Archimedes and the Apennines. Note how long and sharp are the shadows.
103. The moon's atmosphere.—Upon the earth the sun casts no shadows so sharp and black as those of Fig.60, because his rays are here scattered and reflected in all directions by the dust and vapors of the atmosphere (§51), so that the place from which direct sunlight is cut off is at least partially illumined by this reflected light. The shadows of Fig.60 show that upon the moon it must be otherwise, and suggest that if the moon has any atmosphere whatever, its density must be utterly insignificant in comparison with that of the earth. In its motion around the earth the moon frequently eclipses stars (occults is the technical word), and if the moon had an atmosphere such as is shown in Fig.61, the light from the star A must shine through this atmosphere just before the moon's advancing body cuts it off, and it must be refracted by the atmosphere so that the star would appear in a slightly different direction (nearer to B) than before. The earth's atmosphere refracts the starlight under such circumstances by more than a degree, but no one has been able to find in the case of the moon any effect of this kind amounting to even a fraction of a second of arc. While this hardly justifies the statement sometimes made that the moon has no atmosphere, we shall be entirely safe in saying that if it has one at all its density is less than a thousandth part of that of the earth's atmosphere. Quite in keeping with this absence of an atmosphere is the fact that clouds never float over the surface of the moon. Its features always stand out hard and clear, without any of that haze and softness of outline which our atmosphere introduces into all terrestrial landscapes.
104. Height of the lunar mountains.—Attention has already been called to the detached mountain peaks, which in Fig.55 prolong the range of Apennines into the lunar night. These are the beginnings of the Caucasus mountains, and from the photograph we may measure as follows the height to which they rise above the surrounding level of the moon: Fig.62 represents a part of the lunar surface along the boundary line between night and day, the horizontal line at the top of the figure representing a level ray of sunlight which just touches the moon at T and barely illuminates the top of the mountain, M, whose height, h, is to be determined. If we let R stand for the radius of the moon and s for the distance, TM, we shall have in the right-angled triangle MTC,
R2 + s2 = (R + h)2,
and we need only to measure s—that is, the distance from the terminator to the detached mountain peak—to make this equation determine h, since R is already known, being half the diameter of the moon—1,081 miles. Practically it is more convenient to use instead of this equation another form, which the student who is expert in algebra may show to be very nearly equivalent to it:
h (miles) | = | s2 / 2163, |
or h (feet) | = | 2.44 s2. |
Fig. 61.—Occultations and the moon's atmosphere. Fig. 61.—Occultations and the moon's atmosphere.
The distance s must be expressed in miles in all of these equations. In Fig.55 the distance from the terminator to the first detached peak of the Caucasus mountains is 1.7 millimeters = 52 miles, from which we find the height of the mountain to be 1.25 miles, or 6,600 feet.
Fig. 62.—Determining the height of a lunar mountain. Fig. 62.—Determining the height of a lunar mountain.
Two things, however, need to be borne in mind in this connection. On the earth we measure the heights of mountains above sea level, while on the moon there is no sea, and our 6,600 feet is simply the height of the mountain top above the level of that particular point in the terminator, from which we measure its distance. So too it is evident from the appearance of things, that the sunlight, instead of just touching the top of the particular mountain whose height we have measured, really extends some little distance down from its summit, and the 6,600 feet is therefore the elevation of the lowest point on the mountains to which the sunlight reaches. The peak itself may be several hundred feet higher, and our photograph must be taken at the exact moment when this peak appears in the lunar morning or disappears in the evening if we are to measure the altitude of the mountain's summit. Measure the height of the most northern visible mountain of the Caucasus range. This is one of the outlying spurs of the great mountain Calippus, whose principal peak, 19,000 feet high, is shown in Fig.55 as the brightest part of the Caucasus range.
The highest peak of the lunar Apennines, Huyghens, has an altitude of 18,000 feet, and the Leibnitz and Doerfel Mountains, near the south pole of the moon, reach an altitude 50 per cent greater than this, and are probably the highest peaks on the moon. This falls very little short of the highest mountain on the earth, although the moon is much smaller than the earth, and these mountains are considerably higher than anything on the western continent of the earth.
The vagueness of outline of the terminator makes it difficult to measure from it with precision, and somewhat more accurate determinations of the heights of lunar mountains can be obtained by measuring the length of the shadows which they cast, and the depths of craters may also be measured by means of the shadows which fall into them.105. Craters.—Fig.63 shows a typical lunar crater, and conveys a good idea of the ruggedness of the lunar landscape. Compare the appearance of this crater with the following generalizations, which are based upon the accurate measurement of many such:
A. A crater is a real depression in the surface of the moon, surrounded usually by an elevated ring which rises above the general level of the region outside, while the bottom of the crater is about an equal distance below that level.
B. Craters are shallow, their diameters ranging from five times to more than fifty times their depth. Archimedes, whose diameter we found to be 50 miles, has an average depth of about 4,000 feet below the crest of its surrounding wall, and is relatively a shallow crater.
C. Craters frequently have one or more hills rising within them which, however, rarely, if ever, reach up to the level of the surrounding wall.
D. Whatever may have been the mode of their formation, the craters can not have been produced by scooping out material from the center and piling it up to make the wall, for in three cases out of four the volume of the excavation is greater than the volume of material contained in the wall.106. Moon and earth.—We have gone far enough now to appreciate both the likeness and the unlikeness of the moon and earth. They may fairly enough be likened to offspring of the same parent who have followed very different careers, and in the fullness of time find themselves in very different circumstances. The most serious point of difference in these circumstances is the atmosphere, which gives to the earth a wealth of phenomena altogether lacking in the moon. Clouds, wind, rain, snow, dew, frost, and hail are all dependent upon the atmosphere and can not be found where it is not. There can be nothing upon the moon at all like that great group of changes which we call weather, and the unruffled aspect of the moon's face contrasts sharply with the succession of cloud and sunshine which the earth would present if seen from the moon.
The atmosphere is the chief agent in the propagation of sound, and without it the moon must be wrapped in silence more absolute than can be found upon the surface of the earth. So, too, the absence of an atmosphere shows that there can be no water or other liquid upon the moon, for if so it would immediately evaporate and produce a gaseous envelope which we have seen does not exist. With air and water absent there can be of course no vegetation or life of any kind upon the moon, and we are compelled to regard it as an arid desert, utterly waste.107. Temperature of the moon.—A characteristic feature of terrestrial deserts, which is possessed in exaggerated degree by the moon, is the great extremes of temperature to which they and it are subject. Owing to its slow rotation about its axis, a point on the moon receives the solar radiation uninterruptedly for more than a fortnight, and that too unmitigated by any cloud or vaporous covering. Then for a like period it is turned away from the sun and allowed to cool off, radiating into interplanetary space without hindrance its accumulated store of heat. It is easy to see that the range of temperature between day and night must be much greater under these circumstances than it is with us where shorter days and clouded skies render day and night more nearly alike, to say nothing of the ocean whose waters serve as a great balance wheel for equalizing temperatures. Just how hot or how cold the moon becomes is hard to determine, and very different estimates are to be found in the books. Perhaps the most reliable of these are furnished by the recent researches of Professor Very, whose experiments lead him to conclude that "its rocky surface at midday, in latitudes where the sun is high, is probably hotter than boiling water and only the most terrible of earth's deserts, where the burning sands blister the skin, and men, beasts, and birds drop dead, can approach a noontide on the cloudless surface of our satellite. Only the extreme polar latitudes of the moon can have an endurable temperature by day, to say nothing of the night, when we should have to become troglodytes to preserve ourselves from such intense cold."
While the night temperature of the moon, even very soon after sunset, sinks to something like 200° below zero on the centigrade scale, or 320° below zero on the Fahrenheit scale, the lowest known temperature upon the earth, according to General Greely, is 90° Fahr. below zero, recorded in Siberia in January, 1885.
Winter and summer are not markedly different upon the moon, since its rotation axis is nearly perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit about the sun, and the sun never goes far north or south of the moon's equator. The month is the one cycle within which all seasonal changes in its physical condition appear to run their complete course.108. Changes in the moon.—It is evidently idle to look for any such changes in the condition of the moon's surface as with us mark the progress of the seasons or the spread of civilization over the wilderness. But minor changes there may be, and it would seem that the violent oscillations of temperature from day to night ought to have some effect in breaking down and crumbling the sharp peaks and crags which are there so common and so pronounced. For a century past astronomers have searched carefully for changes of this kind—the filling up of some crater or the fall of a mountain peak; but while some things of this kind have been reported from time to time, the evidence in their behalf has not been altogether conclusive. At the present time it is an open question whether changes of this sort large enough to be seen from the earth are in progress. A crater much less than a mile wide can be seen in the telescope, but it is not easy to tell whether so minute an object has changed in size or shape during a year or a decade, and even if changes are seen they may be apparent rather than real. Fig.64 contains two views of the crater Archimedes, taken under a morning and an afternoon sun respectively, and shows a very pronounced difference between the two which proceeds solely from a difference of illumination. In the presence of such large fictitious changes astronomers are slow to accept smaller ones as real.
It is this absence of change that is responsible for the rugged and sharp-cut features of the moon which continue substantially as they were made, while upon the earth rain and frost are continually wearing down the mountains and spreading their substance upon the lowland in an unending process of smoothing off the roughnesses of its surface. Upon the moon this process is almost if not wholly wanting, and the moon abides to-day much more like its primitive condition than is the earth.109. The moon's influence upon the earth.—There is a widespread popular belief that in many ways the moon exercises a considerable influence upon terrestrial affairs: that it affects the weather for good or ill, that crops must be planted and harvested, pigs must be killed, and timber cut at the right time of the moon, etc. Our common word lunatic means moonstruck—i.e., one upon whom the moon has shone while sleeping. There is not the slightest scientific basis for any of these beliefs, and astronomers everywhere class them with tales of witchcraft, magic, and popular delusion. For the most part the moon's influence upon the earth is limited to the light which it sends and the effect of its gravitation, chiefly exhibited in the ocean tides. We receive from the moon a very small amount of second-hand solar heat and there is also a trifling magnetic influence, but neither of these last effects comes within the range of ordinary observation, and we shall not go far wrong in saying that, save the moonlight and the tides, every supposed lunar influence upon the earth is either fictitious or too small to be readily detected.