Out of these professional needs, as well as from a spirit of scientific research, there grew up and flourished for many centuries a study of the motions of the planets, simple and crude at first, because the observations that could then be made were at best but rough ones, but growing more accurate and more complex as the development of the mechanic arts put better and more precise instruments into the hands of astronomers and enabled them to observe with increasing accuracy the movements of these bodies. It was early seen that while for the most part the planets, including the sun and moon, traveled through the constellations from west to east, some of them sometimes reversed their motion and for a time traveled in the opposite way. This clearly can not be explained by the simple theory which had early been adopted that a planet moves always in the same direction around a circular orbit having the earth at its center, and so it was said to move around in a small circular orbit, called an epicycle, whose center was situated I. Every planet moves in an ellipse which has the sun at one of its foci. II. The radius vector of each planet moves over equal areas in equal times. III. The squares of the periodic times of the planets are proportional to the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. These laws are the crowning glory, not only of Kepler's career, but of all astronomical discovery from the beginning up to his time, and they well deserve careful study and explanation, although more modern progress has shown that they are only approximately true. In the case of the planetary orbits one focus of the ellipse is vacant, and, in accordance with the first law, the center of the sun is at the other focus. In Fig.17 the dot, inside the orbit of Mercury, which is marked a, shows the position of the vacant focus of the orbit of Mars, and the dot b is the vacant focus of Mercury's orbit. The orbits of Venus and the earth are so nearly circular that their vacant foci lie very close to the sun and are not marked in the figure. The line drawn from the sun to any point of the orbit (the string from pin to pencil point) is a radius vector. The point midway between the pins is the center of the ellipse, and the distance of either pin from the center measures the eccentricity of the ellipse. Draw several ellipses with the same length of string, but with the pins at different distances apart, and note that the greater the eccentricity the flatter is the ellipse, but that all of them have the same length. If both pins were driven into the same hole, what kind of an ellipse would you get? The Second Law was worked out by Kepler as his answer to a problem suggested by the first law. In Fig.17 it is apparent from a mere inspection of the orbit of Mercury that this planet travels much faster on one side of its orbit than on the other, the distance covered in ten days between the numbers 10 and 20 being more than fifty per cent greater than that between 50 and 60. The same difference is found, though usually in less degree, for every other planet, and Kepler's problem was to discover a means by which to mark upon the orbit the figures showing the positions of For the proper understanding of Kepler's Third Law we must note that the "mean distance" which appears in it is one half of the long diameter of the orbit and that the "periodic time" means the number of days or years required by the planet to make a complete circuit in its orbit. Representing the first of these by a and the second by T, we have, as the mathematical equivalent of the law, a3 ÷ T2 = C where the quotient, C, is a number which, as Kepler found, is the same for every planet of the solar system. If we take the mean distance of the earth from the sun as the unit of distance, and the year as the unit of time, we shall find by applying the equation to the earth's motion, C=1. Applying this value to any other planet we shall find in the same units, a=T2/3, by means of which we may determine the distance of any planet from the sun when its periodic time, T, has been learned from observation. A circle is an ellipse in which the two foci have been brought together. Would Kepler's laws hold true for such an orbit? Every one who has ridden a bicycle knows that he can coast farther upon a level road if it is smooth than if it is rough; but however smooth and hard the road may be and however fast the wheel may have been started, it is sooner or later stopped by the resistance which the road and the air offer to its motion, and when once stopped or checked it can be started again only by applying fresh power. We have here a familiar illustration of what is called The first law of motion.—"Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line except in so far as it may be compelled by force to change that state." A gust of wind, a stone, a careless movement of the rider may turn the bicycle to the right or the left, but unless some disturbing force is applied it will go straight ahead, and if all resistance to its motion could be removed it would go always at the speed given it by the last power applied, swerving neither to the one hand nor the other. When a slow rider increases his speed we recognize at once that he has applied additional power to the wheel, and when this speed is slackened it equally shows that force has been applied against the motion. It is force alone which can produce a change in either velocity or direction of "Change of motion is proportional to force applied and takes place in the direction of the straight line in which the force acts." Suppose a man to fall from a balloon at some great elevation in the air; his own weight is the force which pulls him down, and that force operating at every instant is sufficient to give him at the end of the first second of his fall a downward velocity of 32 feet per second—i.e., it has changed his state from rest, to motion at this rate, and the motion is toward the earth because the force acts in that direction. During the next second the ceaseless operation of this force will have the same effect as in the first second and will add another 32 feet to his velocity, so that two seconds from the time he commenced to fall he will be moving at the rate of 64 feet per second, etc. The column of figures marked v in the table below shows what his velocity will be at the end of subsequent seconds. The changing velocity here shown is the change of motion to which the law refers, and the velocity is proportional to the time shown in the first column of the table, because the amount of force exerted in this case is proportional to the time during which it operated. The distance through which the man will fall in each second is shown in the column marked d, and is found by taking the average of his velocity at the beginning and end of this second, and the total distance through which he has fallen at the end of each second, marked s in the table, is found by taking the sum of all the preceding values of d. The velocity, 32 feet per second, which measures the change of motion in each second, also measures the accelerating force which produces this motion, and it is usually represented in formulÆ by the letter g. Let the student show from the numbers in s = 1/2 gt2, which is usually called the law of falling bodies. How does the table show that g is equal to 32? Table
If the balloon were half a mile high how long would it take to fall to the ground? What would be the velocity just before reaching the ground? Fig.19 shows the path through the air of a ball which has been struck by a bat at the point A, and started off in the direction AB with a velocity of 200 feet per second. In accordance with the first law of motion, if it were acted upon by no other force than the impulse given by the bat, it should travel along the straight line AB at the uniform rate of 200 feet per second, and at the end of the fourth second it should be 800 feet from A, at the point marked 4, but during these four seconds its weight has caused it to fall 256 feet, and its actual position, 4', is 256 feet below the point 4. In this way we find its position at the end of each second, 1', 2', 3', 4', etc., and drawing a line through these points we shall find the actual path of the ball under the influence of the two forces to be the curved line AC. No matter how far the ball may go before striking the ground, it can not get back to the point A, and the curve It is the great glory of Sir Isaac Newton that he first of all men recognized that these simple laws of motion hold true in the heavens as well as upon the earth; that the complicated motion of a planet, a comet, or a star is determined in accordance with these laws by the forces which act upon the bodies, and that these forces are essentially the same as that which we call weight. The formal statement of the principle last named is included in— The student should perhaps be warned against straining too far the language which it is customary to employ in this connection. The law of gravitation is certainly a far-reaching one, and it may operate in every remotest corner of the universe precisely as stated above, but additional information about those corners would be welcome to supplement our rather scanty stock of knowledge concerning what happens there. We may not controvert the words of a popular preacher who says, "When I lift my hand I move the stars in Ursa Major," but we should not wish to stand The word mass, in the statement of the law of gravitation, means the quantity of matter contained in the body, and if we represent by the letters m' and m'' the respective quantities of matter contained in the two bodies whose distance from each other is r, we shall have, in accordance with the law of gravitation, the following mathematical expression for the force, F, which acts between them: F = k (m'm'')/r2. This equation, which is the general mathematical expression for the law of gravitation, may be made to yield some curious results. Thus, if we select two bullets, each having a mass of 1gram, and place them so that their centers are 1 centimeter apart, the above expression for the force exerted between them becomes F = k {(1 × 1)/12} = k, from which it appears that the coefficient k is the force exerted between these bodies. This is called the gravitation constant, and it evidently furnishes a measure of the specific intensity with which one particle of matter attracts another. Elaborate experiments which have been made to determine the amount of this force show that it is surprisingly small, for in the case of the two bullets whose mass of 1 gram each is supposed to be concentrated into an indefinitely small space, gravity would have to operate between them continuously for more than forty minutes in order to pull them together, although they were separated by only 1 centimeter to start with, and nothing save their own inertia opposed their movements. It is only when one or both of the masses m', m'' are very great that the force of gravity becomes large, and the weight of bodies at the The student should observe that the two terms mass and weight are not synonymous; mass is defined above as the quantity of matter contained in a body, while weight is the force with which the earth attracts that body, and in accordance with the law of gravitation its weight depends upon its distance from the center of the earth, while its mass is quite independent of its position with respect to the earth. By the third law of motion the earth is pulled toward a falling body just as strongly as the body is pulled toward the earth—i.e., by a force equal to the weight of the body. How much does the earth rise toward the body? Knowing the velocity and direction of the body's motion and the force with which the sun attracts it, the mathematician is able to apply Newton's laws of motion so as to determine the path of the body, and a few of the possible orbits are shown in the figure where the short cross stroke marks the point of each orbit which is nearest to the sun. This point is called the perihelion. Without any formal application of mathematics we may readily see that the swifter the motion of the body at P On the other hand, P5 and P6 represent orbits in which the velocity at P was comparatively small, and the resulting change of motion greater than would be possible for a more swiftly moving body. What would be the orbit if the velocity at P were reduced to nothing at all? What would be the effect if the body starting at P moved directly away from1? The student should not fail to observe that the sun's attraction tends to pull the body atP forward along its path, and therefore increases its velocity, and that this influence continues until the planet reaches perihelion, at which point it attains its greatest velocity, and the force of the sun's attraction is wholly expended in changing the direction of its motion. After the planet has passed perihelion the sun begins to pull backward and to retard the motion in just the same measure that before perihelion passage it increased it, so that the two halves of the orbit on opposite sides of a line drawn from the perihelion through the sun are exactly alike. We may here note the explanation of Kepler's second law: when the planet is near the sun it moves faster, and the radius vector changes its direction more rapidly than when the planet is remote from the sun on account of the greater force with which it is attracted, and the exact relation between the rates at which the radius vector When the velocity is not too great, the sun's backward pull, after a planet has passed perihelion, finally overcomes it and turns the planet toward the sun again, in such a way that it comes back to the point P, moving in the same direction and with the same speed as before—i.e., it has gone around the sun in an orbit like P6 or P4, an ellipse, along which it will continue to move ever after. But we must not fail to note that this return into the same orbit is a consequence of the last line in the statement of the law of gravitation (p. 54), and that, if the magnitude of this force were inversely as the cube of the distance or any other proportion than the square, the orbit would be something very different. If the velocity is too great for the sun's attraction to overcome, the orbit will be a hyperbola, like P2, along which the body will move away never to return, while a velocity just at the limit of what the sun can control gives an orbit like P3, a parabola, along which the body moves with parabolic velocity, which is ever diminishing as the body gets farther from the sun, but is always just sufficient to keep it from returning. If the earth's velocity could be increased 41 per cent, from 19 up to 27 miles per second, it would have parabolic velocity, and would quit the sun's company. The summation of the whole matter is that the orbit in which a body moves around the sun, or past the sun, depends upon its velocity and if this velocity and the direction of the motion at any one point in the orbit are known the whole orbit is determined by them, and the position of the planet in its orbit for past as well as future times can be determined through the application of Newton's laws; and the same is true for any other heavenly body—moon, comet, meteor, etc. It is in this way that astronomers are able to predict, years in advance, in what particular part of the sky a given planet will appear at a given time. It is sometimes a source of wonder that the planets move in ellipses instead of circles, but it is easily seen from Fig.20 that the planet, P, could not by any possibility move in a circle, since the direction of its motion at P is not at right angles with the line joining it to the sun as it must be in a circular orbit, and even if it were perpendicular to the radius vector the planet must needs have exactly the right velocity given to it at this point, since either more or less speed would change the circle into an ellipse. In order to produce circular motion there must be a balancing of conditions as nice as is required to make a pin stand upon its point, and the really surprising thing is that the orbits of the planets should be so nearly circular as they are. If the orbit of the earth were drawn accurately to scale, the untrained eye would not detect the slightest deviation from a true circle, and even the orbit of Mercury (Fig.17), which is much more eccentric than that of the earth, might almost pass for a circle. The orbit P2, which lies between the parabola and the straight line, is called in geometry a hyperbola, and Newton succeeded in proving from the law of gravitation that a body might move under the sun's attraction in a hyperbola as well as in a parabola or ellipse; but it must move in some one of these curves; no other orbit is possible. Newton also proved that Kepler's three laws are mere corollaries from the law of gravitation, and that to be strictly correct the third law must be slightly altered so as to take into account the masses of the planets. These are, however, so small in comparison with that of the sun, that the correction is of comparatively little moment. The problem of the motion of three bodies—sun, Jupiter, planet—which must then be dealt with is vastly more complicated than that which we have considered, and the ablest mathematicians and astronomers have not been able to furnish a complete solution for it, although they have worked upon the problem for two centuries, and have developed an immense amount of detailed information concerning it. In general each planet works ceaselessly upon the orbit of every other, changing its size and shape and position, backward and forward in accordance with the law of gravitation, and it is a question of serious moment how far this process may extend. If the diameter of the earth's orbit were very much increased or diminished by the perturbing action of the other planets, the amount of heat received from the sun would be correspondingly changed, and the The precession (ChapterV) is a striking illustration of a perturbation of slightly different character from the above, and another is found in connection with the plane of the moon's orbit. It will be remembered that the moon in its motion among the stars never goes far from the ecliptic, but in a complete circuit of the heavens crosses it twice, once in going from south to north and once in the opposite direction. The points at which it crosses the ecliptic are called the nodes, and under the perturbing influence of the sun these nodes move westward along the ecliptic about twenty degrees per year, an extraordinarily rapid perturbation, and one of great consequence in the theory of eclipses. There has been determined in this manner the mass of every planet in the solar system which is large enough to produce any appreciable perturbation, and all these masses prove to be exceedingly small fractions of the mass of the sun, as may be seen from the following table, in which is given opposite the name of each planet the number by which the mass of the sun must be divided in order to get the mass of the planet: It is to be especially noted that the mass given for each planet includes the mass of all the satellites which attend it, since their influence was felt in the perturbations from which the mass was derived. Thus the mass assigned to the earth is the combined mass of earth and moon. This working backward from the perturbations experienced by Uranus to the cause which produced them is justly regarded as one of the greatest scientific achievements of the human intellect, and it is worthy of note that we are approaching the time at which it may be repeated, for Neptune now behaves much as did Uranus three quarters of a century ago, and the most plausible explanation which can be offered for these anomalies in its path is that the bounds of the solar system must be again enlarged to include another disturbing planet. But rotation is not the only influence that tends to pull a planet out of shape. The attraction which the earth exerts upon the moon is stronger on the near side and weaker on the far side of our satellite than at its center, and this difference of attraction tends to warp the moon, as is illustrated in Fig.23 where 1, 2, and 3 represent pieces of iron of equal mass placed in line on a table near a horseshoe magnet, H. Each piece of iron is attracted by the magnet and is held back by a weight to which it is fastened by means of a cord running over a pulley, P, at the edge of the table. These weights are all to be supposed equally heavy and each of them pulls upon its piece of iron with a force just sufficient to balance the attraction of the magnet for the middle piece, No.2. It is clear that under this arrangement No.2 will move An entirely analogous set of forces produces a similar effect upon the shape of the moon. The elastic cords of Fig.23 stand for the attraction of gravitation by which all the parts of the moon are bound together. The magnet represents the earth pulling with unequal force upon different parts of the moon. The weights are the inertia of the moon in its orbital motion which, as we have seen in a The tides.—Similarly the moon and the sun attract opposite sides of the earth with different forces and feebly tend to pull it out of shape. But here a new element comes into play: the earth turns so rapidly upon its axis that its solid parts have no time in which to yield sensibly to the strains, which shift rapidly from one diameter to another as different parts of the earth are turned toward the moon, and it is chiefly the waters of the sea which respond to the distorting effect of the sun's and moon's attraction. These are heaped up on opposite sides of the earth so as to produce a slight elongation of its diameter, and Fig.24 shows how by the earth's rotation this swelling of the waters is swept out from under the moon and is pulled back by the moon until it finally takes up some such position as that shown in the figure where the effect of the earth's rotation in carrying it one way is just balanced by the moon's attraction urging it back on line with the moon. This heaping up of the waters is called a tide. If I in the figure represents a little island in the sea the waters which surround it will of course accompany it in its diurnal rotation about the earth's axis, but whenever the island comes back to the The height of the tide raised by the moon in the open sea is only a very few feet, and the tide raised by the sun is even less, but along the coast of a continent, in bays and angles of the shore, it often happens that a broad but low tidal wave is forced into a narrow corner, and then the rise of the water may be many feet, especially when the solar tide and the lunar tide come in together, as they do twice in every month, at new and full moon. Why do they come together at these times instead of some other? Small as are these tidal effects, it is worth noting that they may in certain cases be very much greater—e.g., if the moon were as massive as is the sun its tidal effect would be some millions of times greater than it now is and would suffice to grind the earth into fragments. Although the earth escapes this fate, some other bodies are not so fortunate, and we shall see in later chapters some evidence of their disintegration. |