The Greek letters are so much used by astronomers in connection with the names of the stars, and for other purposes, that the Greek alphabet is printed below—not necessarily to be learned, but for convenient reference:
Popular Literature of AstronomyThe following brief bibliography, while making no pretense at completeness, may serve as a useful guide to supplementary reading: General TreatisesYoung. General Astronomy. An admirable general survey of the entire field. Newcomb. Popular Astronomy. The second edition of a German translation of this work by Engelmann and Vogel is especially valuable. Ball. Story of the Heavens. Somewhat easier reading than either of the preceding. Chambers. Descriptive Astronomy. An elaborate but elementary work in three volumes. Langley. The New Astronomy. Treats mainly of the physical condition of the celestial bodies. Proctor and Ranyard. Old and New Astronomy. Special TreatisesProctor. The Moon. A general treatment of the subject. Nasmyth and Carpenter. The Moon. An admirably illustrated but expensive work dealing mainly with the topography and physical conditions of the moon. There is a cheaper and very good edition in German. Young. The Sun. International Scientific Series. The most recent and authoritative treatise on this subject. Proctor. Other Worlds than Ours. An account of planets, comets, etc. Newton. Meteor. EncyclopÆdia Britannica. Airy. Gravitation. A non-mathematical exposition of the laws of planetary motion. Stokes. On Light as a Means of Investigation. Burnett Lectures. II.The basis of spectrum analysis. Schellen. Spectrum Analysis. Thomson (Sir W., Lord Kelvin), Popular Lectures, etc. Lectures on the Tides, The Sun's Heat, etc. Ball. Time and Tide. An exposition of the researches of G.H. Darwin upon tidal friction. Gore. The Visible Universe. Deals with a class of problems inadequately treated in most popular astronomies. Darwin. The Tides. An admirable elementary exposition. Clerke. The System of the Stars. Stellar astronomy. Newcomb. Chapters on the Stars, in Popular Science Monthly for 1900. Clerke. History of Astronomy during the Nineteenth Century. An admirable work. Wolf. Geschichte der Astronomie. MÜnchen, 1877. An excellent German work. A List of Stars for Time ObservationsSee §20.