



Mountain Sheep

Mountain Sheep



Bears Yellowstone has long been renowned as a refuge for wild animals. While the visitor may not see many animals from the highway, the silent watcher on the trails will not be disappointed.

The famous Yellowstone brown and black bears are the ones most frequently seen. The less-sociable grizzlies are seldom seen.

Park regulations forbid feeding, touching or teasing the bears. Observe them only from a safe distance.

Other Animals

Tramping a forest trail your footsteps may disturb a deer that bounds away at your approach. In some of the grassy valleys of Yellowstone are immense herds of elk. Bands of bighorn sheep scale the rocky heights with amazing agility.

Buffalo roam the eastern section of the Park, away from the main roads. Quite likely you will catch glimpses of other animals—antelope, moose, coyote, beaver, porcupine, squirrel and mink, some of which are pictured here.

More than 200 species of birds spend their summers in the Park. Eagles may be seen among the crags. Wild ducks and geese are abundant. Many large, white swans and pelicans lend charm to Yellowstone Lake.

A part of Yellowstone’s buffalo herd

A part of Yellowstone’s buffalo herd



A family of Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears

A family of Yellowstone’s Grizzly Bears

Old Faithful Geyser and Old Faithful Inn

Old Faithful Geyser and Old Faithful Inn

Mother bear and cub go for a stroll

Mother bear and cub go for a stroll

An eager beaver

An eager beaver

Grasshopper Glacier

Just outside the northeast corner of the Park is a huge glacier on the surface of which are the broken remains of millions of grasshoppers, preserved through the centuries. Geologists tell us they were trapped here while crossing the mountains in a summer snow storm.

Herd of elk on the alert

Herd of elk on the alert


Yellowstone is a fisherman’s dream come true. Nearly all the streams and lakes contain one or more species of trout. Whitefish and grayling may also be caught. Fishing equipment is obtainable in the Park. No license required.

Yellowstone—a fisherman’s paradise

Yellowstone—a fisherman’s paradise

Other Forms of Recreation

Yellowstone offers many forms of healthful recreation. Hiking is popular. Safe horseback trails beckon. Saddle horses and guides are available at Mammoth Hot Springs, Old Faithful and Grand Canyon. Swimming is enjoyed at Old Faithful and Mammoth, where pools, fed by natural warm waters, are maintained. Suits and towels may be rented.


Every minute of the day is pleasant at Yellowstone and the evening hours, too, are filled with fun. Impromptu entertainments, lectures, music for dancing and for listening round out the day.

There’s after-dinner entertainment as well

There’s after-dinner entertainment as well

Jackson Lake lies in a setting of Alpine loveliness

Jackson Lake lies in a setting of Alpine loveliness


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