
In the Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone parts the curtain and stages a gigantic thermal exhibit. Here the first geysers come into view. There they are! Dipping and skyrocketing; spears of boiling water belch upward, dazzling white against the backdrop of blue skies and forest greenery. For size, number, power and action, no other geysers in the world compare to those of Yellowstone.

In the west and south-central parts of the Park are six major geyser basins. Each contains a number of geysers, pools and springs. This spectacular section of Yellowstone is extremely fascinating. In the Lower Basin are numerous well-known geysers, but in the Upper Basin famous Old Faithful probably will attract your first attention. Moreover, near by is Old Faithful Inn, where you will want to stay for one or more delightful, pleasure-filled days.

Park Ranger Naturalists have prepared an interesting display at Old Faithful which reveals the intricate operation of geysers. An artificial miniature geyser has been constructed and its working parts may be seen and understood. In reality a geyser is a hot spring that has developed into a fountain. A plume of water shoots upward at nearly boiling temperature. The hot volcanic rocks beneath the earth create steam and give the geyser force. At Yellowstone the subterranean action is near the earth’s surface and the geysers act as safety valves in draining off this excess energy.

Off to view Yellowstone’s wonders from horseback

Off to view Yellowstone’s wonders from horseback

Castle Geyser erupts from an imposing crater

Castle Geyser erupts from an imposing crater

Riverside Geyser throws its column over the Firehole River

Riverside Geyser throws its column over the Firehole River


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