Transcriber's Notes:


Many illustrations contain text, which is included in the img alt attribute for these illustrations. Text that appears on different lines in an illustration is separated by commas in an alt attribute.

Footnotes have been moved to the end of the text and relabeled consecutively through the document.

Illustrations and sidebars have been moved to paragraph breaks near where they are mentioned.

Punctuation has been made consistent.

Variations in spelling and hyphenation were retained as they appear in the original publication.

The wording of the chapter section titles in the Table of Contents differs from the actual section titles in many cases.

There is no Chapter I section title corresponding to the Table of Contents entry "Ten-Years Clause."

p. 29: The "ORMROD" is not completely legible in the original publication and may not be exactly correct in the alt attribute for this illustration. (ORMROD LEHIGH CO)

p. 68: The Chapter IV section title "Infringement by Foreigners Through Importation" is not included in the Table of Contents.

p. 82: The 3 in 1903 in the "Swift & Co.'s trade-mark" figure on this page is not completely legible in the original publication and may not be correct in the alt attribute for this illustration. (COPYRIGHT 1903)


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