The “bulk” content of Kellogg’s All-Bran is higher than that of any other common food. It definitely corrects the “bulk-minus” meal—the most frequent cause of constipation. When common constipation due to “bulk-minus” meals does occur, your family begins to feel under par—not exactly sick, but certainly not well. Avoid this condition by serving All-Bran regularly for regularity. Try All-Bran as a cereal with milk or cream—two tablespoons daily will give you the “bulk-plus” meals so necessary in the well-balanced diet. In chronic cases, with each meal. All-Bran is much more effective than part-bran products. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek, Michigan. For Sunny Living, Choose Any of These Delightful Ways to Use Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN
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