Transcriber's Note


Minor typographical errors have been corrected: employes to employees on p. 1, 129, and 130; nagivation to navigation on p. 48; conferation to confederation on p. 46. Inconsistent hyphenation in the original has been retained.

Owing to the method used to scan this work, in a few cases the first or last letters of a line were lost and had to be found from other sources or inferred from context. Where an inference is not certain, the presumed missing letters are in parentheses with a question mark, for example "p(art?)" on page 100. In the table on page 130 ("Passengers carried annually," etc.) the final digit of each number in the column on the right cannot be read and has been replaced with 0.

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Historical, Industrial and Descriptive Information
of the Towns, Cities and
Country passed through between
New York and Chicago via The
New York Central Lines


Based on the
Encyclopaedia Britannica


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