SEVERAL enjoyable skating and toboggan parties have been organized by the members of the staff who have taken full advantage of the mild Winter experienced at Winnipeg. The Dears Have Taken Up CurlingTUESDAY night, January 18th saw the commencement of what we hope to see as a regular feature, ladies’ night at the Heather Rink. Four rinks turned out under the direction of such experienced skips as D. Swan, Alex. Thompson, McMicken and Bill Phelan. The girls had some good sport, but all couldn’t win. D. Swan and Bill Phelan took the honors. Heard next morning: 1st Girl–“Oh my arms do ache!” 2nd Girl–“Only your arms?” 3rd Girl–“They tell me the stones weigh 40 lbs. each.” 4th Girl–“400 lbs., you mean, judging by my back and arms.” Chorus–“Oh, for ma wee white bed.” The Ladies’ Rinks
MRS. PETER RENNIE and son and daughter arrived recently from Seattle. MISS ROSE PARADIS, recently one of our steno. stars, is shortly to be married, and has our best wishes. HEARTIEST congratulations from the wholesale staff to Mr. McDonald on the birth of a son. Mrs. McDonald is doing well. MISS C. NORRIS is the latest addition to wholesale staff, taking the place of Miss Paradis as a steno. star. MISS MASIE STYNE left us at Christmas to take a well deserved rest with her parents on the farm at Eriksdale. MISS LAURA SHEILDS has taken over the switch board vacated by Maisie. WHO IS THE traveller that sold dud eggs as new laid, and what shall be done to him? divider H.B.C. CURLING ASSOCIATIONS, WINNIPEG, 1921