They Are All Deserving of Prizes and Deciding Winners Was Difficult PROMISING people indeed are the little pink-toed, plump-jowled babies of H.B.C. fathers who occupy the centre of our interest this month. They are a “full-stage” attraction in this issue of The Beaver. Find them over the page in bonnie ensemble; all at that happy stage of life when affectation has utterly no power over dress, expression or gesture. None of them has been specially posed for the occasion; some were snapped at most unconventional moments. There is no sign of race suicide here. Yet this showing is only a partial one; we publish only those winning prizes or deserving special mention; and in the limited time allowed for photographs, there was no opportunity to hear from a great many points in the far northern districts. If we could have got them all in this group, surely this would be a “Baby Show” to evoke the plaudits of the greatest “baby experts.” Weaklings are notably absent amongst H.B.C. children, and the judges of the group of H.B.C. infants presented in this issue are firmly inclined to the opinion that H.B.C. babes of the types shown score just a little higher than babes ordinarily pictured. The limitation of the prizes to three in number proved a real hardship for the judges, as it was considered the lot of them possessed prize-winning qualities. Deciding on the winners was difficult, but awards were finally made as follows: First Prize– Silver mounted comb and brush set awarded to Miss Bettie Everitt, daughter of Mr. B. A. Everitt, of the H.B.C. land department, Winnipeg. Second Prize– Sterling silver thumb spoon, awarded to Kindersley Lidstone, son of Mr. I. T. Lidstone, buyer of crockery H.B.C. store at Kamloops, British Columbia. This fine baby was born on the day of the 250th Anniversary Celebration at Kamloops and was named for Governor Sir Robert Kindersley by special arrangement. Third Prize– Sterling and ivory bell rattle, awarded to Kathleen Flora Gould, daughter of Mr. Gould, of H.B.C. Edmonton Store. Catherine Mary Bartleman WINNIPEG Age 9½ Months–Wt. 22 Lbs. Margaret Rhoda Milne KAMLOOPS B.C. Age 7 Months–Wt. 19 Lbs. 1ST. PRIZE Betty Iris Everitt WINNIPEG Age 9 Months–Weight 27 Lbs. Margaret Mitchell EDMONTON Age 12 Months–Wt. 20 Lbs. Frank Richard Rogers WINNIPEG Aged 2 months–Wt. 9¾ Lbs. Stanley Philip Oakes THE PAS Age 13 Months 3RD. PRIZE Kathleen Flora Gould EDMONTON Age 3½ Months–Weight 18 lbs. Lilian Jessie Blake WINNIPEG Age 2 Months–Wt. 11¾ Lbs. 2ND. PRIZE Kindersley Lidstone KAMLOOPS B.C. Age 8 Months–Wt. 22½ Lbs. Margaret L. Coulter WINNIPEG Age 9½ Months–Wt. 18½ Lbs. Elfreda Grace Sewell VANCOUVER Age 7½ Months–Weight 19 Lbs. Mary Geraldine Wilmot FORT WILLIAM Age 5½ Months Sydney Roy Upton VANCOUVER Age 9 Months–Wt. 20 Lbs. James Arthur Hillman WINNIPEG Age 11 Months–Wt. 23 Lbs. Edward Ross Thompson LETHBRIDGE Age 7 Months–Weight 22 Lbs. Wallace Beatty MacDonald CALGARY Age 12 Months–Weight 27 Lbs. Gwynne Shapter CALGARY Age 16 Months–Wt. 27 Lbs. William E. Andrews VANCOUVER Age 9 Months Bernard Philip Jones WINNIPEG Age 18 Months–Wt. 25 Lbs. Bonnie Gibson CALGARY Age 16 Months–Wt. 35 Lbs. divider |