Congratulations would appear to be in order for Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Fort a la Corne Post, and their daughter Norah on the success attained by the latter at the recent St. Alban's College (Prince Albert) term examinations. The following is a quotation from the local paper: "Miss Norah Armstrong, the gold medalist of the year at St. Alban's college, Prince Albert, holds an enviable record in the college. Miss Armstrong has been a student at St. Alban's for the past four years, taking her grade 8 diploma in 1917. She was successful in passing her junior matriculation examination in June, and now holds the St. Alban's scholarship to the University of Saskatchewan. In addition to her marked progress in her studies, Miss Armstrong has found time to distinguish herself along athletic lines, having won the tennis cup in singles, and also with Miss Phyllis Clarke in the doubles."