H.B.C. Kamloops Store Dates Back to 1812 Location Has Changed Several Times to Keep Pace With Growth of City By A.E. DODMAN The Company's store at Kamloops dates back to the year 1812 and it is therefore one of the oldest establishments at present existing in the stores department. The original location was some distance from the present store site, as, like all Western towns, the business centre has changed several times, and the Company found it necessary to change from time to time in order to keep pace with the natural growth of the city. The present premises were purchased and remodelled by the Company in 1911, and have a frontage of 75 feet on Victoria Street, extending 125 feet on Second Avenue with two entrances on Victoria and one on Second Avenue. The building consists of two stories and basement. In addition the Company also operates a wholesale and retail tobacco and candy business on rented premises situated at the corner of Victoria Street and Third Avenue. The business at Kamloops comprises eight departments—general dry goods, ladies' wear, men's furnishings, boots and shoes, crockery and hardware, house furnishing, groceries and tobaccos. Miss Brooke, of the grocery staff, resigned her position with the Company and was married on January 1st, 1921. She was presented with a travelling bag by the staff. We wish her all kinds of joy and happiness in her new venture. She was a real "good fellow" and will be greatly missed by us. Miss Muir has accepted the position made vacant by Miss Brooke of the Grocery Department. We wish Miss Muir every success. Miss Cozens says she was never "locked out" in her life, but she experienced the feeling of being "locked in." She says "never again." The Staff presented Mr. A.E. Dodman, our store manager, and Mrs. Dodman with a Christmas gift of a very handsome tea set with best wishes. A rumour is heard to the effect that Mr. McDonald, the accountant, has become an expert dancer, and has accepted an invitation to teach three ladies the fine points in dancing. Nice for Mac, but kind of tough on the ladies. After a very busy and most successful Christmas trade the staff have settled down for the most successful January sale we have ever had. |