Fortunate Canada!


The big war is all over but the paying. A whole "bale" of little wars, however, have been engaging the attention of the world until recent settlements were effected.

Famine in China. Russian chaos and Irish thunderclouds. Inoculation against the "Bolshevik bug" in every quarter of the globe.

Fortunate Canada!

Industrial depression, unemployment and foreboding grips the United States. Canada has had a tinge of this malady, too, during price convulsions—but Canada is sound. Canada—especially Western Canada—is busy, optimistic and possessed of a confidence unbounded. A happier or more prosperous Christmas and New Year's that just past in Canada, never has been.

For twelve months ending October, 1920, Canada's volume of trade was up five hundred million dollars over the year previous. Canada is fortunate. To the sweet uses of Peace, she is applying herself assiduously.


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