The large proportion of the human race which is afflicted with "Self Importance" can draw pointed conclusion from the facts that: (1) Michelson the scientist has discovered an accurate method of measuring the distant stars, by which it is determined that one star in Orion is twenty-seven trillion times as large as the earth, and twenty-seven million times as large as the Sun. (It's no use trying to visualize this tremendous planet. Even a billion is incomprehensible to the human mind; a trillion simply cannot be embraced in our thought.) (2) Latest available figures indicate that there are about two billion people living on the Earth, despite the slaughter of war. We are somewhere in that crowd. If we ever feel ourselves getting "chesty in the head," let us repress even the faintest stirrings of Egotism, for we're only one in two billion (never would be missed!) riding to an unticketed destination on a "pin-point planet" that swirls every day a million miles nearer to that gigantic sun, Alpha Orionus (see it any clear night in the heavens) which is so tremendous in dimension that our poor little earth at the instant of contact would sputter out like a tiny drop of grease on a big stove. |