
POST HEADQUARTERS—Post Headquarters is only a short distance from the entrance at Gate No. 1, and is easily recognized by means of the large flag pole in front. Here are the offices of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and Adjutant, as well as S-1, S-2, S-3, S-4, Message Center, and Administrative Inspector.

BUILDING NO. 2—Situated next to Post Headquarters, this building houses the Post Judge Advocate, Classification, Legal Aid Department and the Historical Department.

SPECIAL SERVICE OFFICE—Is located in Building No. 13 and it is here that a multitude of activities are sponsored for the welfare and entertainment of the enlisted men and WACS. Also located in the same building are the Post Chaplain’s Office, Post Broadcasting System, Public Relations Office and the Personal Affairs Division, which includes War Bonds, Insurance, Legal Aid, and Army Emergency Relief. It is through the Person Affairs Division that assistance is provided military personnel and their dependents in securing employment, re-employment, education and vocational rehabilitation. Each squadron has a Special Service Officer who should be contacted by all those interested in sports, orchestras, glee clubs, acting and other recreational activities.

SERVICE CLUB—The Service Club is the center of recreation for enlisted personnel and their guests. It is on Algonquin Avenue between Gate No. 1 and Post Headquarters. The main salon is used for dances, band concerts, shows, and broadcasts. Included in the club are a cafeteria, snack bar, and soda fountain, a game room, a balcony which is used for letter writing and a library with more than 8,000 books. There also is a public telephone center on the second floor off the balcony with operators in attendance during the busier hours. Another telephone center with operators is located in Mess Hall No. 4—Building 845. Guests can be taken to the Service Club when proper arrangements are made. (See page 24 for pass procedure)

GUEST HOUSE—The Guest House is adjacent to the Service Club and provides lodging for relatives of enlisted personnel. The charge is 75 cents a day and there is a three-day limit for guests. For reservations apply at the Service Club office.

POST THEATRES—There are two large Post theatres each seating more than 1,000 persons. Both run on staggered schedules, so that the men on the various school shifts may attend. The charge to military personnel is 15 cents per show or $1.20 for a booklet of ten admission tickets. Other entertainments, such as USO camp shows and personal appearances of movie and radio stars, are frequently provided. Time schedules and programs are announced in the Daily Bulletin, the Post newspaper, “The Polar Tech”, and over the Post Broadcasting System. The theatres are located in Buildings 73 and 23.

BOATING—The Special Service Office has provided boats on Covell Lake for Army personnel only, during seasonal weather. This lake is a part of Terrace Park, located just outside the Hospital Area in the southeast part of the Post.

BOWLING ALLEYS—Are located in Building No. 847 and are open daily from 0800 to 2200 for the use of all military personnel.

ROLLER SKATING—A large tent roller rink is located just in rear of the Civilian Personnel Offices outside of Gate No. 2. This is available to military personnel during the spring, summer, and fall.

SPORTS ARENA AND SPORTS ARENA ANNEX—The Sports Arena provides an adequate surface of hardwood floor for basketball, boxing, wrestling, volley ball, and other recreational activities. Lessons are given in various sports including fencing and boxing. The Sports Arena is in Building No. 53. The ANNEX is across the street where shuffle board, table tennis and other games may be played in addition to boxing, weight lifting and conditioning activities.

SWIMMING POOL—A swimming pool is available in Terrace Park for military personnel from late spring until early fall.

ATHLETIC FIELDS—Numerous athletic fields, including softball and baseball diamonds, are located in each squadron area.

POST BROADCASTING SYSTEM—Is located in Building No. 13. It is a complete broadcast service except that it transmits programs by wire instead of by wireless. The layout consists of the main studio, control room, office and many speaker outlets on the Post. Mechanically the system is flexible to the extent that three entirely different programs may be carried on simultaneously. The system is affiliated with the NBC and is directly wired to two local radio stations. News is furnished through complete Associated Press News Service. The Post Band concerts and interviews with men returned from overseas are also broadcast.

POST EXCHANGES—The Exchange Service furnishes items of merchandise and various services needed by soldiers. The largest Exchange is No. 9 in Building No. 2077. Here you may purchase cigarettes, magazines, clothing, shoes, novelties, stationery, soft drinks and ice cream, and may also take your dry cleaning. The Exchange operates several tailor, dry cleaning and shoe repair shops, barber shops, and a snack bar. These are located in Buildings No. 80, 1244, 1737, 1902, and 71.

NEWSPAPER—The “Polar Tech” is your own newspaper. It is published once a week under direction of the Public Relations Office and distributed without charge. It is written by the men of the camp and contributions are invited. Copies for mailing can be obtained.

CHAPELS—There are four chapels, two on Elkhorn avenue, one on Blackhawk avenue, and one in Building 1507 for the use of negro soldiers. Facilities are provided for religious worship of every denomination. The chapels are of Colonial design and seat about 350 persons.

RED CROSS HEADQUARTERS—Building 646. The Red Cross assists service men and women in solving their personal and family problems, including investigations of sicknesses and deaths before recommending emergency furloughs, and provides individual counsel and guidance. Feel free to drop in at any time. There is a Red Cross representative and staff ready to serve you 24 hours a day.

TECHNICAL SCHOOL—The Technical School is known as the finest radio school of the Training Command. The school buildings are located in the center of the squadron areas, row after row from Third to Thirteenth Street. Office of the Director of Training is in Building 1100.

POST HOSPITAL—The Post Hospital is in the southern part of the field near Gate No. 3. Adequate facilities are provided for the care of the Post’s personnel by physicians skilled to handle any form of injury or illness. Latest scientific devices are in use. The hospital also has a theatre, barber shop, a post exchange, a library and games for recreation.

DISPENSARIES AND INFIRMARIES—The first shift has sick call at 1500 and the second shift at 0900. At the time of publication of this booklet, there were three dispensaries in operation. Dispensary No. 1 is located in building No. 1246, No. 2 in Building No. 32 and No. 3 in Building No. 77.

DENTAL CLINIC—There are two dental clinics, one in Building 76 and one at the station hospital.

BARBER AND TAILOR SHOPS—Buildings No. 80 and 1244.

POST OFFICE—The Post Office is just east of Post Headquarters. All mail is sent there, sorted and redistributed to Squadron post offices. All usual postal services are provided. It is important that your friends and relatives know your complete address, including your rank and squadron number.

LAUNDRY—Located near Gate No. 2, the Post Laundry serves the entire Post personnel. Operated by the Quartermaster Corps, it has the best of equipment and launders each individual’s clothes for $1.50 a month.

BANK—For the convenience of the Army personnel, there is a branch of the Northwest Security National Bank in the Finance Office, just west of Post Headquarters on Woeye avenue.

TRANSPORTATION—“Air Base” buses run from downtown Sioux Falls at regular intervals and stop at convenient locations throughout the field.


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