
UNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS—There are three USO Clubs in Sioux Falls providing various types of recreational facilities for service men. The Main Avenue USO is at Eleventh Street and Main Avenue. Another is at Ninth Street and Dakota Avenue across from the City Hall, and a third, for negroes, is located at 115 North Dakota Avenue.


Masonic 210 West Tenth St.
Knights of Columbus 315 No. Summit Ave.
Odd Fellows 214 So. Dakota Ave.


Travelers Aid (For rooms) 105 E. 11th St.
A branch of the Travelers’ Aid is in each USO, railroad station and bus depot.
Federal Housing Bureau—Apartments and Houses 115 N. Main Ave.


Elmwood—18 holes, grass greens 1400 N. Elmwood Ave.
West 12th St.—9 holes, sand greens.

PARKS—Sioux Falls’ parks afford varied facilities for picnics, sports and other entertainment.

Drake Springs Park—Baseball, swimming 801 E. 10th St.
McKennan Park—Playgrounds, picnic grounds, horseshoes, wading pool, band concerts, flower display 1400 So. 3rd Ave.
Sherman Park—Picnics, playgrounds, zoo, band concerts, lawn bowling 2600 W. 22nd St.
Terrace Park—Picnics, playgrounds, oriental gardens 600 N. Grange Ave.
Elmwood Park—Picnics, playgrounds 1400 N. Elmwood Ave.
Library Park—Children’s playground, wading pool 300 Weber Ave.
Howard Wood Field—Baseball, football 701 E. 10th St.


City Hall 230 W. 9th St.
Court House 401 N. Main Ave.
Coliseum 501 N. Main Ave.
Museum 131 N. Duluth Ave.
Post Office 400 S. Philips Ave.
Library 10th & Dakota Ave.


Cooperative Club Shriver-Johnson Department Store
Lions Club Cataract Hotel
Kiwanis Club Carpenter Hotel
Cosmopolitan Club Cataract Hotel
Rotary Club Cataract Hotel
Altrusa Club Shriver-Johnson Department Store
Junior Chamber of Commerce 100 W. 10th St.
Chamber of Commerce 100 W. 10th St.
Monthly membership meetings (usually) first Monday noon each month.
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul 501 N. Phillips Ave.
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific 200 S. 1st St.
Chicago, St. Paul & Omaha 421 E. 8th St.
Great Northern 503 E. 8th St.
Illinois Central 304 E. 8th St.
BUS STATION 236 S. Main Ave.

CHURCHES—Persons in armed services are welcome at all Sioux Falls churches and special hospitality is extended to them.

Augustana Lutheran Church 235 N. Prairie Ave.
Beulah Baptist Church 2000 Northwest Ave.
Calvary Cathedral Episcopal Church 113 W. 13th St.
Central Baptist Church 406 S. Dakota Ave.
Christian Reformed Church 334 N. Spring Ave.
Church of God S. Cliff Ave. SE. Cor. E. 9th St.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 2124 S. Duluth Ave.
Church of the Nazarene 212 S. Walts Ave.
East Side Lutheran Church 222 N. Cliff Ave.
East Side Presbyterian Church 326 N. Fairfax Ave.
Emmanuel Baptist Church 1224 E. 2nd St.
Evangelical Free Methodist Church 412 S. Hawthorne Ave.
Faith Lutheran Mission 601 N. Cliff Ave.
First Baptist Church 127 N. Spring Ave.
First Christian Church 524 W. 13th St.
First Church of Christ Scientist 520 S. Minnesota Ave.
First Congregational Church 303 S. Dakota Ave.
First Evangelical Church 1405 S. Minnesota Ave.
First Free Methodist Church 600 S. 4th Ave.
First Lutheran Church 327 S. Dakota Ave.
First Methodist Church 401 S. Spring Ave.
First Presbyterian Church 132 S. Spring Ave.
Gospel Tabernacle 112 E. 13th St.
Little Flower of Jesus Catholic Church 204 N. Cliff Ave.
Mt. Zion Jewish Congregation 523 W. 14th St.
North End Union Church 324 W. Bennett St.
Open Bible Church 121½ S. Main Ave.
Order of Ahepa 514 S. 1st Ave.
Parish Hall 210 N. Cliff Ave.
Pilgrim Baptist Church 501 N. Fairfax Ave.
Reformed Church of America 236 S. Minnesota Ave.
Riverside Community Church 1512 E. Mulberry St.
St. John’s Baptist Church (Negro) 320 N. Minnesota Ave.
St. Joseph’s Cathedral (Catholic) 501 N. Duluth Ave.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church 336 N. Cliff Ave.
Salvation Army 102 N. Minnesota Ave.
Seventh Day Adventist Church 514 S. Duluth Ave.
Sons of Israel Congregation 610 S. Dakota Ave.
Sunnyside Full Gospel Church 2005 S. Minnesota Ave.
Union Gospel Mission 227 W. 9th St.
Volunteers of America 217 S. Dakota Ave.
Welcome Gospel Tabernacle 408 N. Blauvelt Ave.
Wesley Methodist Church 320 N. Van Eps Ave.
Zion Lutheran Church 601 S. Minnesota Ave.

Technical School
Sioux Falls Army Air Field


1. City Hall
2. Court House
3. Coliseum
4. Museum
5. Post Office
6. Library
7. C. M. & St. P. Station
8. C. R. I. & P. Station
9. C. St. P. & O. Station
10. Great Northern Station
11. Illinois Central Station
12. Bus Station
13. Main Avenue USO
14. Dakota Avenue USO
15. USO (Colored)
16. Masonic Service Center
17. K. C. Service Center
18. Odd Fellows Service Center
19. Drake Springs Park
20. McKennan Park
21. Sherman Park
22. Terrace Park
23. Elmwood Park
24. Library Park
25. Howard Wood Stadium
26. The Falls
27. State School for Deaf


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