Pillowcase with Motif Insert and Edge


(pictured on page 4)

Materials Required:
“GEM” CROCHET COTTON, Article 35, size 30 or
“STAR” CROCHET COTTON, Article 20, size 30
2 balls White.
1 ball Lt. Yellow or Buttercup.
Steel crochet hook No. 12.

MOTIF: With Lt. Yellow ch 9, join to form a ring, ch 3, 2 d c in same space keeping last loop of each d c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 3, cluster st in ring, (cluster st: 3 d c in same space keeping last loop of each d c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time), repeat from * 6 times, ch 3, join in 1st cluster st.

2nd Row. Ch 1, * 2 s c in next loop, ch 3, 2 s c in same loop, repeat from * all around, join in 1st s c, cut Yellow.

3rd Row. Attach White in ch 3 loop, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 4, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c (shell) in next ch 3 loop, ch 4, 3 d c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 4, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in next loop, ch 4, join.

4th Row. Ch 3, d c in same space, ** 1 d c in next d c, 2 d c in next d c, ch 4, 2 tr c in next shell keeping last loop of each tr c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time (2 tr c cluster st), ch 3, 2 tr c cluster st in same space, repeat from * twice, ch 4, 2 d c in next d c, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 4, join.

5th Row. Sl st to next d c, ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c keeping last loop of each d c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ** ch 3, sl st in top of cluster st just made for picot, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in same loop, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1 (picot loop), 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, * ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in same loop, repeat from * once, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in same loop, ch 5, skip 1 d c, 3 d c cluster st over next 3 d c, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 5, join, cut thread.

Work a 2nd motif joining it to 1st motif in last row as follows: sl st to next d c, ch 3, 1 d c in each of the next 2 d c keeping last loop of each d c on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, picot, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, picot loop, 2 tr c cluster st in same space, picot loop, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, * picot loop, 2 tr c cluster st in same space, repeat from * once, ch 3, join to corresponding picot of 1st motif, ch 1, sl st in 2nd st of ch to complete picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop of 2nd motif, ch 3, join to next picot of 1st motif, ch 1, complete picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in same space of 2nd motif, ch 5, skip 1 d c, 3 d c cluster st over next 3 d c, picot, ch 5, skip 1 loop of 2nd motif, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop, ch 3, join to corresponding picot on same side of 1st motif, ch 1, complete picot, ch 1, 2 tr c in same space of 2nd motif, ch 3, join to next picot of 1st motif, ch 1, complete picot, ch 1, 2 tr c cluster st in next loop of 2nd motif, finish motif same as 1st motif. Join all motifs in same manner having 3 motifs in 1st row, 2 motifs in 2nd row and 1 motif in 3rd row.

EDGE: Having scallops facing downward, attach Yellow in picot over the 3 d c cluster st to right hand side of corner of top motif, ch 4, s c in same picot, * ch 4, d c in 4th st from hook (rice st), 2 s c in next picot of same motif, repeat from * 6 times, ** ch 4, s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot of same motif, repeat from * 3 times, rice st, 2 s c in 1st free picot of next motif, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 3 times, repeat from ** once, ch 4, s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 6 times, ** ch 4, 2 s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 6 times, ch 4, 2 s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 3 times, rice st, skip 1 picot at corner of next motif, s c in the tr c cluster st between picots, rice st, 2 s c in 1st free picot of next motif, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 3 times, repeat from last ** once, ch 4, s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 6 times, ch 4, s c in same space, * rice st, 2 s c in next picot, repeat from * 6 times, finish side to correspond, cut thread.

SMALL JOINING MOTIF FOR CENTER: With Yellow work 1st row same as 1st row of motif.

2nd Row: Ch 1, 2 s c in next loop, ch 1, join to free picot of motif, ch 1, 2 s c in same space of small motif, * 2 s c in next loop, ch 1, join to next picot of same motif, ch 1, 2 s c in same space of small motif, 2 s c in next loop, ch 1, join to 1st free picot of next motif, ch 1, 2 s c in same space of small motif, repeat from * until all picots are joined, cut thread. Applique crocheted insert to front of pillowcase as illustrated, having the scallops to lower edge. Cut away material from underneath motifs leaving 1/8 inch to turn under and overcast.

EDGE: Attach White in 1st hemstitched space next to motif and work a row of s c around lower edge to opposite side, cut thread.

Next Row. Attach White in 1st s c at opposite side of insert, ch 3, d c in same space, * ch 4, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 1, skip 3 s c, 2 d c cluster st in next s c, repeat from * to opposite side of insert, cut thread.

Next Row. Attach Yellow in motif next to 1 d c cluster st, sl st in 1st picot of edge, * ch 3, d c in 3rd st from hook, sl st in next picot, repeat from * to opposite side, join in side of motif, cut thread. Work another pillowcase in same manner.



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