Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics. By John Collins Warren, M. D., LL. D., F. R. C. S. (Hon.), Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Octavo, 873 pages, 136 relief and lithographic illustrations, 33 in colors. With an Appendix on Scientific Aids to Surgical Diagnosis and a series of articles on Regional Bacteriology. Cloth, $5.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $6.50 net. SECOND EDITION, WITH AN APPENDIXIn the second edition of this book all the important changes have been embodied in a new Appendix. In addition to an enumeration of the scientific aids to surgical diagnosis there is presented a series of sections on regional bacteriology, in which are given a description of the flora of the affected part, and the general principles of treating the affections they produce. Roswell Park, M. D., In the Harvard Graduate Magazine. “I think it is the most creditable book on surgical pathology, and the most beautiful medical illustration of the bookmakers’ art that has ever been issued from the American press.” |