Atlas and Epitome of Human Histology. By Privatdocent Dr. J. Sobotta, of WÜrzburg. Edited, with additions, by G. Carl Huber, M. D., Professor of Histology and Embryology in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. With 214 colored figures on 80 plates, 68 text-illustrations, and 248 pages of text. Cloth, $4.50 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series. INCLUDING MICROSCOPIC ANATOMYThe work combines an abundance of well-chosen and most accurate illustrations, with a concise text, and in such a manner as to make it both atlas and text-book. The great majority of the illustrations were made from sections prepared from human tissues, and always from fresh and in every respect normal specimens. The colored lithographic plates have been produced with the aid of over thirty colors. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal “In color and proportion they are characterized by gratifying accuracy and lithographic beauty.” |