Howell's Physiology


A Text-Book of Physiology. By William H. Howell, Ph.D., M. D., Professor of Physiology in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Octavo of 915 pages, 275 illustrations. Cloth, $4.00 net.


Dr. Howell has had many years of experience as a teacher of physiology in several of the leading medical schools, and is therefore exceedingly well fitted to write a text-book on this subject. Main emphasis has been laid upon those facts and views which will be directly helpful in the practical branches of medicine. At the same time, however, sufficient consideration has been given to the experimental side of the science. The entire literature of physiology has been thoroughly digested by Dr. Howell, and the important views and conclusions introduced into his work. Illustrations have been most freely used.

The Lancet, London

“This is one of the best recent text-books on physiology, and we warmly commend it to the attention of students who desire to obtain by reading a general, all-round, yet concise survey of the scope, facts, theories, and speculations that make up its subject matter.”


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