The Elements of Bacteriologic Technique. A Laboratory Guide for the Medical, Dental, and Technical Student. By J. W. H. Eyre, M. D., F. R. S. Edin., Bacteriologist to Guy’s Hospital, London, and Lecturer on Bacteriology at the Medical and Dental Schools, etc. Octavo volume of 375 pages, with 170 illustrations. Cloth, $2.50 net. FOR MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND TECHNICAL STUDENTSThis book presents, concisely yet clearly, the various methods at present in use for the study of bacteria, and elucidates such points in their life-histories as are debatable or still undetermined. It includes only those methods that are capable of giving satisfactory results even in the hands of beginners. The illustrations are numerous and practical. The work is designed with the needs of the technical student generally constantly in view. The Lancet, London “Stamped throughout with evidence that the writer is a practical teacher, and the directions are more clearly given ... than in any previous work.” |