Durck and Hektoen's General Pathologic Histology


Atlas and Epitome of General Pathologic Histology. By Pr. Dr. H. DÜrck, of Munich. Edited, with additions, by Ludvig Hektoen, M. D., Professor of Pathology in Rush Medical College, Chicago. 172 colored figures on 77 lithographic plates, 36 text-cuts, many in colors, and 353 pages. Cloth, $5.00 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series.


This new Atlas will be found even more valuable than the two preceding volumes on Special Pathologic Histology, to which, in a manner, it is a companion work. The text gives the generally accepted views in regard to the significance of pathologic processes, explained in clear and easily understood language. The lithographs in some cases required as many as twenty-six colors to reproduce the original painting. Dr. Hektoen has made many additions of great value.

W. T. Councilman, M. D.,

Professor of Pathologic Anatomy, Harvard University.

“I have seen no plates which impress me as so truly representing histologic appearances as do these. The book is a valuable one.”



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