American Text-Book of Physiology


American Text-Book of Physiology. In two volumes. Edited by William H. Howell, Ph.D., M. D., Professor of Physiology in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Two royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, fully illustrated. Per volume: Cloth, $3.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $4.25 net.


Even in the short time that has elapsed since the first edition of this work there has been much progress in Physiology, and in this edition the book has been thoroughly revised to keep pace with this progress. The chapter upon the Central Nervous System has been entirely rewritten. A section on Physical Chemistry forms a valuable addition, since these views are taking a large part in current discussion in physiologic and medical literature.

The Medical News

“The work will stand as a work of reference on physiology. To him who desires to know the status of modern physiology, who expects to obtain suggestions as to further physiologic inquiry, we know of none in English which so eminently meets such a demand.”


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