American Text-Book of Pathology


American Text-Book of Pathology. Edited by Ludvig Hektoen, M. D., Professor of Pathology, Rush Medical College, in affiliation with the University of Chicago; and David Riesman, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Philadelphia Polyclinic. Handsome imperial octavo, 1245 pages, 443 illustrations, 66 in colors. Cloth, $7.50 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $9.00 net.


The present work is the most representative treatise on the subject that has appeared in English. It furnishes practitioners and students with a comprehensive text-book on the essential principles and facts in General Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy, with especial emphasis on the relations of the latter to practical medicine. The illustrations are nearly all original, and those in color are printed directly in the text. In fact, the pictorial feature of the work forms a complete atlas of pathologic anatomy and histology.

Quarterly Medical Journal, Sheffield, England

“As to the illustrations, we can only say that whilst all of them are good, most of them are really beautiful, and for them alone the book is worth having. Both colored and plain, they are distributed so profusely as to add very largely to the interest of the reader and to help the student.


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