Pineapple Ruffle No. 5910

4—200 yd. Balls White, Ecru or Cream.
Steel Crochet Hook No. 12.
Doily measures about 13 inches in diameter without the ruffle.

Ch 6, join to form a ring, ch 1 and work 8 s c in ring, join in 1st s c.

2nd Row. * Ch 10, s c in next s c, repeat from * 6 times, ch 4, d tr c (3 times over needle) in next s c. This brings thread in position for next row.

3rd Row. Ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 7, 3 d c in next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 7, join.

4th Row. Sl st to next d c, * ch 5, 3 d c in next loop, ch 5, s c in center d c of next d c group, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 5, 3 d c in next loop, ch 2, tr c in same space with sl st.

5th Row. * Ch 7, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, tr c in tr c.

6th Row. Ch 5, d c in same space, * ch 5, 1 d c, ch 3, 1 d c in center st of next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 5, join in 3rd st of ch.

7th Row. Sl st into loop, ch 3, d c in same space, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 8 tr c in next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c (shell) in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, skip 1 loop, 8 tr c in next loop, ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch.

8th Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, d c in same space, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 3, 1 tr c in each tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, ch 3, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c, (shell) in center of next shell, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, 1 tr c in each tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch.

9th Row. Sl st to center of shell, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in same space ** ch 4, s c between 1st 2 tr c of pineapple, * ch 4, s c between next 2 tr c, repeat from * 5 times, ch 4, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in center of next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

10th Row. Sl st to center of shell, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, ** ch 4, skip 1 loop, s c in 1st loop of pineapple * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ch 4, shell in shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

11th Row. Sl st to center of shell, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, ** ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 4, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in center of next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

12th Row. Sl st into loop, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, ** ch 5, shell in next loop, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 4, skip 1 loop, shell in next ch 3 loop, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

13th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, ** ch 3, shell in next loop, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c, in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

14th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 1 d c in next loop, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 1 dc in next loop, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, ch 4, s c in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner, join.

15th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 4, skip 1 loop, 8 tr c in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 4, skip 1 loop, 8 tr c in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner, join.

16th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 4, 1 tr c in each of the next 8 tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 4, 1 tr c in each of the next 8 tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, ch 4, shell in next shell, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner ending row to correspond, join in 3rd st of ch of 1st shell, ch 1, turn.

17th Row. Sl st back to center of shell just made, ch 3, turn, d c in same space, ch 2, 2 d c in center of next shell, ** ch 4, s c between 1st 2 tr c, * ch 4, s c between next 2 tr c, repeat from * 5 times, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c between 1st 2 tr c, * ch 4, s c between next 2 tr c, repeat from * 5 times, ch 4, 2 d c in center of next shell, ch 2, 2 d c in center of next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

18th Row. Sl st into ch 2 loop, shell in same space, ** ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of next pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ch 4, shell in next ch 2 loop, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

19th Row. Sl st to center of shell, ch 3, 1 d c, ch 3, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in same space, ** ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 4, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c, ch 3, 2 d c in center of next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

20th Row. Sl st to loop, shell in same space, ** ch 5, shell in next ch 3 loop, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 4, shell in next ch 3 loop, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

21st Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, ** ch 4, s c in next loop, ch 4, shell in center of next shell, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 4, s c in next loop, repeat from *, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

22nd Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 5, s c in next s c, ch 5, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in 1st loop of pineapple, ch 4, s c in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner, join.

23rd Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, ** ch 7, * thread over needle twice, insert in next loop, thread over and work off 2 loops twice, repeat from *, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ch 7, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around in same manner, join.

24th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 7, s c in next loop, ch 9, s c in next loop, ch 7, shell in next shell, ch 4, s c in next s c at top of pineapple, ch 4, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner, join.

25th Row. Sl st to center of shell, shell in same space, * ch 7, s c in next loop, ch 7, s c in next loop, ch 7, s c in next loop, ch 7, shell in next shell, ch 1, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around in same manner, join.

26th Row. Sl st to center of shell, ch 3, d c in same space, ** ch 7, s c in next loop, * ch 7, s c in next loop, repeat from * twice, ch 7, 2 d c in center of next shell, 2 d c in center of next shell, repeat from ** all around ending row with 2 d c in last shell, join.

27th Row. ** Ch 7, s c in next loop, * ch 7, s c in next loop, repeat from * 3 times, ch 7, s c in center of 4 d c group, repeat from ** all around ending row with ch 3, tr c in center of 4 d c group.

28th Row. * Ch 8, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, tr c in tr c.

29th Row. Ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 5, 3 d c in next loop, repeat from * all around, join.

30th Row. Sl st to center of loop, * ch 8, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, tr c in sl st.

31st Row. Ch 3, 2 d c in same space, * ch 6, 3 d c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, tr c in 3rd st of ch.

32nd Row. * Ch 9, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 3, d tr c in tr c.

33rd Row. Same as 31st row but ending row with ch 1, tr tr c (4 times over needle) in 3rd st of ch.

RUFFLE. * Ch 10, s c in same loop, ch 10, s c in same loop, ch 10, s c in same loop, ch 10, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 5, tr tr c in same space as beginning (384 loops).

2nd Row. * Ch 10, s c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row same as last row. Repeat the 2nd row twice but ending the last row with ch 3, thread over needle 5 times, thread over and work off all loops 2 at a time.

5th Row. Ch 4, 7 tr c in same loop, * ch 6, 4 s c in next loop, 4 s c in next loop, ch 6, 8 tr c in next loop, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 6, 4 s c in each of the next 2 loops, ch 6, join in 4th st of ch.

6th Row. Ch 5, 1 tr c in each of the next 7 tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, * ch 8, skip 2 s c, 1 s c in each of the next 4 s c, ch 8, 1 tr c in each of the next 8 tr c with ch 1 between each tr c, repeat from * all around ending row with ch 8, skip 2 s c, 1 s c in each of the next 4 s c, ch 8, join in 4th st of ch.

7th Row. Sl st between 1st 2 tr c, ** ch 7, sl st in 4th st from hook for picot, ch 3, s c between next 2 tr c, * ch 7, sl st in 4th st from hook for picot, ch 3, s c between next 2 tr c, repeat from * 4 times, ch 6, s c in next loop, ch 9, sl st in 5th st from hook for picot, ch 4, sl st in same space for picot, ch 4, sl st in same space for picot (a 3 picot cluster) ch 4, s c in next loop, ch 6, s c between first 2 tr c of next tr c group, repeat from ** all around, break thread.

ch Chain
st Stitch
sl st Slip st.
s c Single Crochet
s d c Short Double Crochet
d c Double Crochet
tr c Treble Crochet
d tr c Double Treble Crochet
tr tr c Triple Treble Crochet
o m Open Mesh. Sometimes termed sp-Space
s m Solid Mesh. Sometimes termed bl-Block
p Picot
d p Double Picot
beg. rnd Beginning Round
incl Inclusive
inc Increase
dec Decrease

Directions for Starching Doilies

STARCH: Dissolve ¼ cup starch in ½ cup of cold water. Boil slowly over a low flame, as it thickens stir in gradually about 1¼ cups of cold water. Boil, stirring constantly until starch clears. This makes a thick pasty mixture.

As soon as starch is cool enough to handle, dip doily and squeeze starch through it thoroughly. Wring out extra starch. The doily should be wet with starch but there should be none in the spaces. Pin center of doily in position according to size and leave until thoroughly dry. If steam iron is used iron ruffle after it is dry. If regular iron is used dampen ruffle slightly before pressing. Pin folds of ruffle in position and leave until thoroughly dry.


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