Have butcher cut six pork chops double thick and make a pocket for stuffing. In a skillet sautÉ onions, bell peppers, celery, bean sprouts, pimiento and mushrooms in two tablespoons butter or margarine until onions become transparent but not brown. Move ingredients to side of skillet and in center place the cooked white rice and make a volcano to the bottom of skillet. In volcano add one tablespoon butter or margarine and when melted place whole raw egg and when egg has set add 2 tablespoons soy sauce, the paprika, and gently stir until all ingredients are well mixed and egg is done and distributed throughout. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stuff pork chops with mixture, place in a shallow baking pan and bake in moderate oven until chops are done and well browned. Remove chops from pan and pour off all grease. To the remaining brown drippings add 1 tablespoon flour dissolved in 1 cup chicken stock and 2 tablespoons soy sauce and stir until sauce thickens. On serving spoon sauce over chops. Serves 6. TATER DOGCut an Idaho potato about 5 inches long in half. With a spoon scrape out the center of both halves, enough to hold a wiener. Insert the wiener in the cavity, spread with margarine, a dash of salt and pepper and chili sauce. Butt the potato together, use 2 toothpicks to hold. Grease outside liberally with butter or margarine. Put into oven, bake until potato is well baked. With serving of cole slaw or similar salad, this will be a most appetizing meal. TIME-SAVER DINNER
Mix salt, pepper, onion, garlic and bell pepper. Drain tomatoes and mash them, saving juice. Add all this to meat and mix well. Take tomato juice and add tomato sauce, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce together. Put this with water and pour over meat loaf. Put tomato catsup over top of meat loaf. Peel two medium size potatoes. Cut in quarters and put around meat loaf. Bake in 450 degrees oven for 1½ hours. GARLIC SPARERIBS
Figure at least 1 pound spareribs per person. Leave sides whole so they can be threaded on a spit later. Crush garlic with salt. Add chicken stock or consomme with marmalade, vinegar and ketchup. Marinate ribs at least 12 hours in garlic marinade, turning several times. Weave the whole strips on spit and cook slowly over low coals for 1 to 1½ hours or until shiny brown and fork tender. Baste with the marinade during the cooking. Or if preferred, bake ribs in slow oven (300 degrees F.) for 2 hours. Baste often. KIDS’ DELIGHTPrepare one recipe for biscuit dough. Roll out thin, cut in three pieces. Spread one piece with apple jelly and peanut butter. Spread one piece with stewed apples and grated cheese. Spread one piece with fig preserves. Roll each piece into a slender roll. Slice into 1-inch thickness. Place on greased pan, bake 12 minutes in moderate oven. Eagle logo American National The Leader in the Business of Creating the Future PRESENTED BY _________________________________ REPRESENTING 11-1961 |