Who Should Invest In Keystone Pecan Orchards?

The young man

The young man. To provide an income for later years. “He must,” says the American Fruit and Nut Journal, “look to a business that will increase in value and returns. The improved pecan orchard fulfills all these requirements. It is safe, pays little at the beginning, but increases its income gradually, and when ten or fifteen years old will yield ten times more than the same money would in any other business.”

In Health Culture, for December, 1915, we read: “There is but a small territory in the United States in which soil conditions and climate are right for pecans. Of the half million budded pecan trees in the world nearly half are in Calhoun and Dougherty Counties, Georgia. Sufficient is known of the yield to claim that this half of the budded trees has produced far more than one-half of the crop.”

“The chief interest in the pecan centers in its high food value for mankind. The flavor is greatly in its favor; also the pecan surpasses all others in the percentage of fat, the comparison being made with walnuts, peanuts, filberts, almonds, and cocoanuts.”



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