"The Finest Nuts I Ever Saw"


Says the world famous food authority, Dr. J. H. Kellogg

Dr. J. H. Kellogg, head of the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium, is a world famous expert on nuts. His writings, based on a half century of research, have shown that pecan meat is suitable for “every month in the year, for all climates, all work and all ages of mankind (except infants)”, as Good Health stated. He has directed attention to the fact that pecans give all the food elements that animal flesh gives, in better proportion and with assured freedom from impurity and disease. He has made clear the vital importance of vitamines, found only to a very slight degree in animal flesh, but profusely found in nuts.

His unquestioned leadership in this field gives added importance to this letter:

Battle Creek Sanitarium

Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 18, 1918.
Mr. Elam G. Hess, Pres.,
Keystone Pecan Co.,

Hess Pecans are the finest nuts I ever saw. What a blessing to the world it will be when these fine products of the vegetable kingdom come to be better appreciated by the public.

J. H. Kellogg.

From Another Food Authority

New York City, Dec. 27, 1916.

It is not strange that Hess Pecans are so much appreciated; they are so good to eat. I ate a dozen at my supper and feel that could everyone eat them every one would be benefited.

Dr. Elmer Lee (Formerly Editor Health Culture).

The Hess Brand Paper Shell Pecan is its own best advocate. Those who taste it, quickly see why such superior pecans sell readily at $1.25 per pound, while wild pecans are selling at 35c. per pound. The only difficulty is that not one person in a thousand has ever tasted the improved Paper Shell Pecan. Any thinking person, checking over the records of increasing sales year after year, is sure to agree with Burbank, America’s foremost horticulturist, when he says, “We have now one pecan where we ought to have a million.



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