SERVICE Which Build Productive Orchards


Intensive cultivation by Mechanical Power—Mule Power—Man Power.

Two of our six tractors at work on one of the 51 acre-units owned by Mrs. C. J. Balliet, Lehighton, Pa., pulling Roderick-Lean 24 disk harrows. Note also on page 43 the mule drawn plows.

The Keystone Pecan Co. has set as its goal the production of pecan orchards second to none. To achieve this, all work is planned many months ahead of operations, every detail carefully considered and specifications drawn which cover every phase of the work from the planning of the tree rows, the planting of the young, dormant, budded, paper shell pecan trees, to the care and cultivation of these trees throughout the entire development period. These specifications cover the selection of trees of the standard varieties, the size and quality of the trees, the methods by which they are dug in the nursery, the size of the hole in which they are planted and the methods of planting; with especial attention to the character of the soil placed in the tree holes and the methods of replacing the same. The proper system of fertilizing when planting and at each subsequent stage is carefully outlined and all other work is done under the supervision of skilled experts.

Hoe hands augment the tractor and mule cultivation by hoeing around every tree on the plantation at approximate 10–day intervals during the growing season.

The cultivation at the various periods of the year and the various stages of growth is provided for and carried out with utmost care. The Keystone horticulturists insist upon intensive cultivation using mechanical, mule and man power, each in its separate sphere to complete their carefully planned system. The use of powerful tractors for plowing and harrowing with 24–disk Roderick-Lean harrows has produced results which would otherwise be unattainable. Throughout the growing season a thorough harrowing at ten-day intervals conserves the moisture, destroys noxious vegetation and so improves the condition of the soil that its sturdy, vigorous growth continues.

At certain stages tractor cultivation is augmented by mule drawn plows which in alternate plowings turn the soil to and from the trees. These are followed by Planet, Jr. Cultivators.

This work is further augmented by hoeing squads working under thorough supervision (see cut at right). The result of this intensive cultivation is growth—quick growth—substantial growth.


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