ALVA W. BARRETT Alva W. BarrettAlva W. Barrett was born in North Carolina and lived in Florida in his early days. In 1910 became connected with the Albany Grocery Company, of Albany, Georgia, following which date he made most careful study of farms and farming throughout the district, handling up to 1917 a large amount of farm real estate. In 1917 he organized the Consolidated Motor Company, which has become under his management the leading automobile business of Southwest Georgia, continuing his farm development all the while. He is the owner of the large, successful farms immediately adjoining our Lee County property, and is also a most substantial business man. He has served as a director of the Albany National Bank and is now director of the Georgia Bank and Trust Company. C. C. McKNIGHT C. C. McKnight of Senoia, GeorgiaC. C. McKnight of Senoia, Georgia, is known, not only as one of the largest land owners in his country, but also as a practical farmer and business man. He is 41 years old, was born in Georgia, and has for twenty-one years been known as a large dealer in mules, wagons, farm implements and supplies of which his practical farming experience makes him a keen judge. For fifteen years he has been active in the Farmers and Merchants Bank of Senoia, and has been Vice President since 1910—during which time deposits have increased nine fold. He is also Vice President of the Newnan Bank and Trust Company of Newnan, Georgia, which has a capital stock of one-half million dollars. R. C. BERCKMANS, who has an international reputation as an authority on horticulture and nut growing. Robert Craig BerckmansHorticulturist and Fruit Grower Member of the P. J. Berckmans Company (Nurserymen), Augusta, Georgia, 1883–1917, when above business was sold by him and his brother. Nurseries were established by his father in 1856—he is of the third generation that has followed this profession. He established the famous Berckmans Bros.’ Farm and Peach Orchards, at Mayfield, Georgia, some twenty years ago, the products of which are known on all Eastern and Western markets. He has been identified with some of the largest developments in the South in horticultural lines, and is known to all horticulturists and nurserymen of the United States and many foreign countries. Was President Georgia State Horticultural Society for the past ten years, succeeding his father, who was President for 34 years and the only President that the Society had ever had up to his death. President, American Association of Nurserymen for two years. President, Southern Association of Nurserymen. President, Ornamental Growers’ Association of America. Vice President, American Pomological Society. Member Georgia State Board of Entomology for past ten years and just re-appointed for the next six years. Member of many horticultural societies in Europe. Has traveled extensively in foreign countries, studying horticultural conditions with the view of applying these to conditions here in America when practical. Member Executive Committee, National Nut Growers’ Association. Author of many articles on horticulture. |